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I did and at 37! After an IUI miscarriage in February, we went on to have a perfect IVF cycle, which produced 5 embryos that all made it to blastocyst stage. The two best rated embryos - they received the highest rating from the embryologist - were transferred at day 5. After the dreaded two week waiting period, my cycle started. There was no HCG in my system, the embryos had not implanted at all. The transfer was quite painful and I believe that the embryos experienced trauma during the procedure, though my RE does not think it had anything to do with it. Regardless, it was unsuccessful and devastating.

During the time period in between this cycle and the next round of IVF, I purchased a 20 day ovulation kit and tested daily. On the LAST day, finally the LH surge was detected. Now I'm six weeks pregnant and hoping this little guy/gal stays with me for the long haul. Good luck! Anything is possible!

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Q: Can you get pregnant naturally after failed ivf?
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In Vitro Fertilisation is a method of getting pregnant.

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Can you get pregnant with low estrogen levels?

I just had a failed IVF cycle and they noticed that two days prior to my egg retrieval my estrogen level plummeted. They are contributing this to possibly being the reason for the failed attempt. I have read a few things that suggest estrogen is important for the embroy to adhere to the uterus lining.

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Either by having a reversal, or by IVF and implantation.

How do you help my mother to the pregnant?

Unless you want to pay for treatment or IVF there is not much you can do to help her and the father-to-be.