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I WANa get pregnant but I'm in the low fertility days can u still get pregnant

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12y ago
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12y ago

yes because you are fertile what if you had a very good motile sperm inside then there is a possibility of getting pregnant.

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Your chances are pretty low, but its not impossible, especially with fertility treatments.

What cause having your period when you had intercourse around the time and the day of fertility day?

Days of fertility are days of probability - not certainty. Means your chances of getting pregnant are at their highest that day, but a good chance is not a guarantee. Most probably you just didn't get pregnant this time.

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The definition of infertile is the inability to become pregnant through natural methods. People can have 'low fertility' which means it is difficult, but not impossible, for them to become pregnant.

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That is what fertility means, the ability to get pregnant. Right after ovulation, a female is the most fertile.

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You can ask fertility doctors about getting pregnant in terms of the contraceptive methods and how to get pregnant safely. Read more at

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Yes, even when you are not in high-fertility.

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Fertility treatment and IVF.

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they help you to get pregnant,if you are infertile

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Use a Fertility Calendar.

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Why do your doctor have to prescribe fertility pills to you?

To help you get pregnant

What is fertility treatment?

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