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The 'Combined Oral Contraceptive pill' has a failure rate of 0.3% in the first year. This is with perfect use - no misses, no contra medications, etc.

More typically, the general failure rate is reported as 8%.

(These rates are per year, not per individual use!)

The withdrawal method has no reputable use as a contraceptive method.

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Q: Can you get pregnant while on birth control and not using the withdrawl method?
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Can you get pregnant by taking birth control?

No, birth control is intended to prevent pregnancy. You can become pregnant while on birth control, as no method is 100% effective, but it isn't the birth control that makes you pregnant.

Is there a chance of getting pregnant when taking birth control?

No method of birth control is 100% effective.

Can you get pregnant with the take out method with out birth control?

Yes. The pull out method is not recognized as an effective form of birth control. It has a 27% failure rate and a woman can become pregnant from pre-cum.If you do not wish to become pregnant I highly recommend using a condom and/or an effective form of birth control.

Can you still get pregnant if you're on birth control and using the withdrawal method?

If you're on birth control then you don't need to use to withdrawal method because you're having protected sex. It is very unlikely that you will get pregnant

Can you get pregnant if you do not take the birth control pill?

Yes, you can get pregnant if you don't take the birth control pill and have sex. If you want to avoid pregnancy, find a method of contraception.

Is the pull-out method an effective form of birth control?

No, 1/4 get pregnant that way.

Can you get pregnant while spotting because of messing up birth control?

Yes you can. That is how most people get pregnant when they are on birth control. You should always use a second birth control method, like condoms, at all times any way

If you are on birth control and you are taking anitbiotics can you get pregnant?

Antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of birth control. You should use a backup method like condoms.

How safe is pull out when not on birth control?

The 'Pull-out Method' is not a good form of birth control.You are at risk of becoming pregnant if you continue to use (that method) of birth control.Condoms are the best option that we have.

Is withdrawal an effective way of birth control?

No. Male pre-ejaculate can contain sperm and cause pregnancy. If you are concerned about preventing pregnancy I recommend you use other methods (birth control pills, condoms, etc) instead of the withdrawl method.

Can you be pregnant if you used the morning after pill and the withdraw method?

Yes. You have been unprotected during intercourse and the MAP is not 100% sure. Pulling out is not a birth control method. 25% get pregnant and you will be too within 2 years of that is what you use as protection. There is sperm in pre ejaculate too and that can get you pregnant. Get on birth control.

Can you get pregnant if the Mirena is out of date?

Yes, you can get pregnant if you have had Mirena in for more than five years. Use an alternate method of birth control.