

Best Answer

Absolutely do not get pregnant while on Lupron Depot. This drug is poison, the side effects are long lasting. Do yourself and your future children a great service and wait till you are off Lupron. Satify your own curiosity and read the reviews of other women. You will see that this drug should not be on the market at all. If you can with what ails you without Lupron depot, please, please consider living without Lupron Depot. It will ruin your life. Believe me!

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Q: Can you get pregnant while on lupron depot injections?
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If they are prescribed by your physician to support your pregnancy.

Ok you been on the depo shot for thee mouths and its time to go get another shot on the 24 of July Can you get pregnant from three injections of come while on Depo-Provera?

you might, but there is a small chance that it will happen because once your on a birth control or was on it lower your chance of getting pregnant

Do you lose weight while taking lupron shots?

For the most part the side effect is weight gain not weight loss. A friend and I were both on Lupron anad gained 30 lbs.Type your answer here... I am on the Lupron shot and Norethindrone pill now and I work out and eat right! the shot effects everyone differently; depending on your lifestyle! I have actually lost some weight since I got my 1st shot October 10, 2012. I also take multivitamins: Milk Thistle, Biotin, B-12, and women's one a day. I was taking these vitamins before the lupron; and I did get approval from my Doctor and Pharmacist that it is OK to continue taking them.

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Can elbows go on the back while pregnant?

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Can a pregnant girls get pregnant while she is pregnant?

No. She is all ready pregnant.

Is it normal to have your full period when pregnant?

No it is not normal to have your period while pregnant. I have heard of some small spotting while pregnant but if you have your full period while you think you are pregnant, you thought wrong. You would not be pregnant.

How light can your period be while pregnant?

You don't get a period while you're pregnant

Can you still get your period while your pregnant?

Some women have bleeding while pregnant that they think is their period, but bleeding while pregnant is NOT normal and should be evaluated by an OBYN!