

Can you get pregnant with pre-ejaculate after period?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Can you get pregnant with pre-ejaculate after period?
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Will you get pregnant if your boyfriend put his penis in you for a second and did not ejacualte and it was one week after your period?

most likely, no, you probably didn't ovulate until 2 weeks after your period. Plus he would atleast need to preejaculate anyway.

Can a woman get pregnant during her period using withdrawal method?

Yes. Since there is sperm in the precum, there is always a chance of getting pregnant with the pull-out method. "Take Sex with Sue Johansen" says women get pregnant within a year of using this method.

Could a 14-year-old get pregnant with preejaculate in their mouth?

No, it is not possible for a 14 year old to get pregnant if you ejaculate in her mouth. Pregnancy must be through vaginal sex. Do keep in mind that any sex act with minors, including oral sex, is illegal.

Can a woman get pregnant if she has her period?

If she gets her period, then she isn't pregnant. If you have sex while she is on her period then there is a chance she will get pregnant.

Why do you get your period during pregnant?

You Don't get your period when You are pregnant.

Can you be pregnant and On period?

Yes you can get pregnant while on your period.

If you are pregnant and have your period will you still get cramps?

If you are pregnant you will not have your period

Can yu get pregnant on your period?

yes you can get pregnant , on your period

Can you be on your period and pregnant?

Yes you can get pregnant while on your period.

Can you get your period the first month you get pregnant?

If you are having a period, you re not pregnant. You cannot be pregnant until after your last period.

Can you still get pregnant if you on your period?

no. if you happened to be pregnant and got your period its misscariage. there's no way you can have your period while pregnant .

If you get pregnant during your period will your period stop immediately?

you really can't get pregnant during your period. Your period happens because you didn't get pregnant. Ovulation is when you get pregnant and it happens about two weeks after your period ends.