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When the dog dies, the rabies disease dies along with it. The only way to get rabies is by being bitten and the animal breaking your skin.

Why the hell would you want to eat your dead dog?!?!?!?!?!

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11y ago

Yes, cooking medium-well to well-done will absolutely destroy the rabies virus and almost all viruses.

Safety tips when handling & butchering animals with suspected rabies:

The rabies virus is not present in the meat itself, but in the surrounding nervous tissue, as well as in the brain,

spinal cord and the animal's saliva.

Rabies is transmitted only when the virus is introduced into an open wound (bleeding in past 24 hours) or to

mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth).

Avoid touching the animal's mouth, brain or spinal cord. Follow safety precautions below:

/ Wear goggles and long rubber or plastic protective gloves while field dressing, skinning, butchering and

processing meat.

/ After butchering, wash hands with soap and water, and wash any contaminated clothing and the work area.

Disinfect gloves and butchering utensils in a solution of one part household bleach to 20 parts water for about

twenty minutes.NYSDOH (10/93)Adapted from: NYSQEC publication Rabies; Hunters Need To Know

/ Wear gloves while preparing meat for cooking and wash your hands with soap when finished. Disinfect

cooking utensils and food preparation area with disinfectant, as above.

/ Cook game meat thoroughly. Heat destroys the rabies virus and other disease organisms that might be


/ Freezing will not destroy the rabies virus. Precautions should be taken while thawing meat.

/ Hanging the deer does not eliminate the risk of rabies.

/ For more detailed instructions, contact your county health department or regional DEC wildlife office.

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12y ago

Not as long as it is FULLY cooked (above 160F).

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9y ago

Yes. You can get it that way.

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Q: Can you get rabies from eating a rabid dog?
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If a dog has rabies and bites anything it sees will it get rabies?

Not exactly. If the thing a rabid dog bites is inorganic or non-mammalian then it won't get rabies.

Can a rabid dog give another dog rabies?

Absolutely, if the body is relatively fresh and the rabies can still feed off of it.

How do you get the rabies disease?

You would have to be bitten by a rabid animal e.g a dog.

How did Atticus kill the dog and why?

Atticus shot the dog, Tim Johnson, because he was infected with rabies and posed a danger to the community. It was a necessary act to protect the people from the threat of the rabid dog.

What chapter is the rabid dog in to kill a mockingbird?

The rabid dog incident in "To Kill a Mockingbird" occurs in Chapter 10 when Atticus shoots the dog, Tim Johnson, to protect the town from his rabies infection.

Why rabies found in dog?

Rabies can be found in almost any animal that has been bitten by another rabid animal., humans can et rabies as well, not just dogs.

Can a dog get rabies from staying outside?

In a way it would be possible for a dog to get rabies from staying outside, if it gets bitten by a rabid animal. Rabies is almost exclusively transmitted through saliva from the bite of an infected animal.

Do rabid dogs suffer hydrophobia?

Yes. Just like humans, a dog with rabies will refuse to drink at all even though they may be dying of thirst. Rhabdovirus is rabies , and where we get the words RABID and RABIES . It affects any infected mammal very similarly

If a vacined dog is bitten by a rabid dog?

Yes it can, if that has happened to your dog you may want to schedule an appointment with your vet, it is very common to get rabies from another animal with rabies.

Why are vaccinations important for pets?

First, you need to specify what vaccine? For example if you are referring for example to Rabies Vaccine, treated with Rabies vaccine well in advance of an encounter with a rabid (or possibly rabid, or rabies carrying) animal renders the dog virtually immune to rabies as long as the vaccinations are kept up to date. If your dog encounters a skunk (which may or may not be rabid, but can carry rabies), or gets into a fight with another dog (which may or may not be rabid) the vaccine effectively eliminates the need to worry whether the dog has become infected by rabies, which would eventually drive the dog to madness, out of character aggression, and then death. Likewise, in many municipalities, if your dog were to bite someone, proof that it has had its rabies vaccinations up to date will prevent the need to kill your dog to find out if it WAS rabid. Generally there are two ways to identify a rabid dog once suspected. 1 - isolate it an watch for it to go mad and die, or 2 - test the brain tissue of the dog, which generally involves decapitation (removal of the dog's head), which in the case of a dog biting someone else, regardless of the circumstances, generally means the dog will be killed and tested, not simply observed without vaccinations.

Are possims rabid?

They can be if they have rabies

What is the mode of transfer for rabies?

Rabies is transmitted by bite of rabid animals. Usually the carnivorous animals transmit the rabies. The virus is there in the saliva of the rabid animals.