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No you cannot, Surgery is needed.

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Q: Can you get rid of the fetus yourself if you know its in your tube?
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Can sperm delete a fetus?

A sperm cannot get rid of a fetus.

How can you get rid of a one week fetus?

It is called an "abortion".

Can a fetus ever rid itself of alcohol?

Yes it barfs

Why is it unnecessary for all of the blood to enter the lungs in a fetus?

It has to get oxygen and get rid of CO2

How does a fetus receive food and oxygen and get rid of wastes?

Through the umbilical cord and placenta

If you take four birth control pills can you get rid of your baby?

Birth control pills prevent you from getting pregnant, not help you get rid of the fetus after it's already there.

How does a fetus get rid of wastes?

through the mothers blood stream and thus kidneys via the umbilical cord.

Can you get rid of baby11 weeks?

Yes, at 11 weeks the fetus can be aborted through a surgical abortion by a doctor.

Why do pregnant women often need to urinate more?

She has to get rid of not only her own waste but also the fetus's waste.

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Bathe yourself in clorox....

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burn yourself