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Q: Can you get seizures if someone is smoking crack in the room while you are there?
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What does crack smoking do to pregnancy?

Smoking 'crack' while pregnant can seriously damage your baby or worse kill it!

Can crack make you a super hero?

Yep as long as u do super hero stuff while ur smoking it... Its like iron man's suit..... Just crack

Does epilepsy causes seizures?

Epilepsy is defined as the tendency of having recurring seizures. Seizures don't "turn into" epilepsy. Epilepsy is a broad ranging term that covers a range of things, but generally relating to the fact that someone has recurring seizures. If someone is having recurring seizures, then they should got to see a doctor and try to find out what is the cause of them, and get a formal diagnosis of their problem.

Trouble for using cracked Sony Vegas pro 11?

Stop smoking crack while trying to use Sony Vegas and you will have no trouble.

How do you detox safely from crack while pregnant?

Stop smoking crack IMMEDIATELY. Smoking crack, or doing any other drugs including alcohol and tobacco while pregnant can have permanent effects on your baby. Drug use during pregnancy causes both mental and physical deformities and disabilities.

Steve, the seizures ?

Steve, the seizures that you had while using drugs shows that there is a propensity for you to have a seizure. Also, as I am sure you know, if someone is addicted to one substance, there is a very high likelihood that that person will become addicted to another substance of abuse. Alcohol has a high incidence rate of causing seizures, and they are life threatening seizures, and that is your doctor's concern for you.

What if you in the car with someone smoking weed and te windows are rolled down while they are smoking weed?

mybe your high now that's why you cant make a sentence

Does Abilify cause seizures?

I was on Abilify and a while after that started having ideopathic seizures, that's just me.

Can you get into shape while smoking?

You can indeed get into shape while smoking. You can not get healthy or achieve fitness easily while smoking though.

Are epileptics more stressed in general and do they deal with stress less constructively?

Not necessarily. There are all sorts of causes for seizures. Stress can be one of those. If someone has seizures that are not caused by stress, then they won't have a problem with that. People may get stressed because they have seizures, while for other people the fact that they have seizures doesn't worry them and they lead perfectly normal lives. The only thing they need to do is keep taking their medication and avoid their triggers for seizures.

Can someone get high 3 days after smoking weed once?

Weed, unlike LSD, is not known to cause flashbacks. You are only high while smoking it, not 3 days later.

What happens when you smoke while smoking?

its a bit hard not to smoke while smoking