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Q: Can you get syphillis from eating food handled by an infected person?
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Normally cholera is caught by drinking infected water or eating food that has been contaminated by a person infected with the bacteria (not washing their hands properly).

Is almonella contagious?

Salmonella is contagious and can spread when there is contact with an infected person. The infection can spread when food has been handled without the properly washing hands.

Is eating vagina lead to hiv?

If the person you are having oral sex with is HIV positive, then it is possible to be infected with the virus.

Can you get ringworm from eating flour?

Ringworm is a fungus spread by skin contact with an infected person, animal, or object. It is not spread by food.

How a person gets infected with AIDS?

Receive it from an infected person.

Sources of infection of typhoid fever?

The person get infected by eating the contaminated food or at times water. He becomes ill after 5 to 21 days.

Typhoids fever is caused by?

It is a bacterial infection due to salmonella typhi. It is spread by eating or drinking water contaminated by feces of an already infected person

What disease is caused by the ameba?

The name of the amoeba is Naegleria fowleri, also known as the "brain-eating amoeba" that can cause an infection, or disease. It lives in fresh water and there is a case where a person got infected with it while wakeboarding on a lake in Florida.

Who is the carrier of?

infected person

Types of roundworms?

There are thousands of types of roundworms. There is one for almost every type of animal on the plant. Some types of roundworms only infect their target species, while others can infect multiple types of animals.

What is hapatitis A?

Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver due to it being infected by the Hepatitis A virus. A person gets the infection by eating or drinking something that has been contaminated with infected stool. This means an already infected person did not use good handwashing technique after having a bowel movement. They then touched someone's food or drink and when that person put their mouth on the item, the virus enters the new body. That's why it is always important to wash your hands thoroughly after every bowel movement!

Is there only one way to transmit aids?

There are three ways I know that you can do to transmit AIDS or HIV. If you have sexual intercourse with the infected person, if you share a needle with the infected person, or if you have blood-to-blood contact with an infected person.