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yes you can i was trying to lift my temp. And i went through the fountain of light temp. Soon enough i had the fountain of light now i have two pets

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Q: Can you get two pets at the same time in chrysalis b?
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How long is a Baltimore Checkerspot in its chrysalis?

About two weeks.

Can you put two pets in the same room in foopets if so how?

no, you can't. at least if you are on play. i have tried that a number of times, and the only way you can do that is if the two pets are breeding and they are in the same room on the breeding page.

What happens if you have two pets in the same household?

Most times nothing at all. I've had two dogs,cats and a dog and cat at the same time. It's always easier tho if they are both young when you get them and they grow up together.

What is the life expectancy for a checkerspot butterfly?

It takes about two weeks for an adult checkerspot to emerge from its chrysalis. There is only one generation of checkerspots born every year.

Can there be two tornadoes at the same time?

Yes, of course there can be two tornadoes at the same time.

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A butterfly`s is called a chrysalis a moth`s is a cocoon.

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Two Places at the Same Time was created in 1979.

Can your pets have babies on the sims 2 pets for the PC?

Yes, they can. Make sure that you have two pets of the same species (cat or dog) that are unrelated and have a high relationship. Then if you don't have one already, purchase a pet house, and get your Sim to instruct one of the pets to 'Try for Puppy with...'. Good luck breeding your pets!

Which is a story on Aesop's fables?

Aesop's Fables include: The Ant and the Chrysalis, The Apes and the Two Travelers, and The Bear and The Fox.

Can I rename my webkinz pet?

Yes, the system will allow you to name two pets the same name on the same account, though it may be confusing to you in the future.

Can an account on miniclipcom be on two computers at the same time?

yes you can use accounts on two computer at same time.

Can you work in two different states at the same time?

You can certainly have your feet in two different countries at the same time.