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Q: Can you geta a license to grow marijuana in ca if you have a felony for being in possetion of a controlled substance?
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What neurological condition can marijuana be prescribed?

It can never be prescribed. Marijuana is a level 1 controlled substance. Level 1 controlled substances are considered to have no medicinal value so if a doctor prescribes anything in level 1, they will lose their license. In some states, a doctor can recommend marijuana but never determines the strength or the dosage so he is never on the hook. In medical marijuana states, you should have no trouble going to see a medical marijuana specialist and show him your condition and your history with it. They should be able to help you.

What is a marijuana vendor license?

Getting the license to sell dope

Picture of regulated drugs and prohibited drugs?

Ruglated-drugs used by government/medical society such as marijuana, pain killers, amphetamines, etc. Prohibited-these drugs are attempted to be controlled (controlled substance) and they can vary from pot to methamphetamine, even those sometimes they are used for a medical purpose. Those drugs (pain killers, pot, etc.) are usually abused, that's why they are prohibited unless a license/prescription is directed.

Is it legal to buy marijuana seeds if you have a medical marijuana permit?

It depends on what kind of license you have. There is a license to smoke marijuana and own it, and there is a completely different license to have seeds and grow them. If you are eligible for a smoking license then you should be able to get a growers license as well, but it's a whole new process and they will test you all over again to be sure your need for marijuana is realistic. for more questions email me at

When you get a marijuana license how long does it last?


Is medical marijuana a license to get high?

drugs are bad

Will your license be suspended for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia?


In Iowa do you lose your driver's license for possession of marijuana?

You get arrested if you get caught possessing marijuana in any state of the U.S. Whether you lose your drivers license or not depends on your penalty, and usually your drivers license isn't affected by an arrest.

Where is medical marijuana available in India?

Marijuana is currently legal for recreational use in India with a government issued license.

How do you get a medical marijuana sales license in California?

One must work in a collective or cooperative dispensary agent to distribute marijuana.

Can you lose your drivers license if you get caught with marijuana in your car in Colorado?


How do you get a license to grow marijuana in New Jersey?

you dont so forget about it