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On 4th of July me and my friends went to the Seaside. We drove there for two hours. Anyway when we arrived there we rented a hotel for two days and on these two days I had an amazing time, we played volleyball, also there was a swimming pool so we tanned and swarmed, ate a lots of different food, mostly Chinese food because there was a Chinese restaurant. Mostly we went there to watch the fireworks at night plus most people go to seaside for fireworks, so I met a lot of my good friends from school, and church I had an amazing time spending it with my friends.

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Q: Can you give example of skimming like paragraph?
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Example of definition paragraph. Give credits! - Janna :) Plagiarism is defined as the use of another person's ideas or wording without giving appropriate credit. People take plagiarism seriously because it violates the ethics pf the academic community. Therefore, when you incorporate in our paper either ideas or phrasing from another writer, whether you quote directly or indirectly, you need to indicate your source accurately and completely

What is the difference between skimming or scanning?

skimming is just like carelessly reading through something. where as scanning means reading every word carefully :D

What are the types of skimming in reading?

Skimming can be a great technique to give you an overview of a subject that you are learning. You would first skim over your textbook to get an idea of what information is being presented, then go back and read the material more in depth. Skimming is also used to find the correct information, for example if you were looking for a news article on a certain subject you would more than likely skim over a few articles before you found the one that suited you.

What is example of skimming?

Skimming and scanning are reading techniques that use rapid eye movement and keywords to move quickly through text for slightly different purposes. Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material. Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts. While skimming tells you what general information is within a section, scanning helps you locate a particular fact. Skimming is like snorkeling, and scanning is more like pearl diving. skimming in previewing (reading before you read), reviewing (reading after you read), determining the main idea from a long selection you don't wish to read, or when trying to find source material for a research paper. Use scanning in research to find particular facts, to study fact-heavy topics, and to answer questions requiring factual support.

How do you develop a paragraph by using exemplification?

Exemplification just means giving examples! You might also see this paragraph called an example paragraph or an illustration paragraph.Write your topic down, and list every example you can think of for it. Use examples that explain or clarify the topic. Look up facts if you need to.Make each example into a complete sentence - you can also use terms like "for example," and "another thing" if you want to - and you have your paragraph!For example: There are many ways to start composing a paragraph. You can use exemplification, which means giving examples. You can also use definition, which means explaining what a term means. Another example of composing a paragraph is division, which means breaking your topic down into groups or sets.

Help me with my 5 paragraph essay about malaria if your bored and like writing essays could you give me some ideas?


An example of point of view?

point of view for a paragraph is how your telling the story. Example: First person, third person, narration or anything like that. Hope i helped.

What is the symbol for paragraph?

The symbol for a paragraph looks like this: ¶ .

What are the example of scientific definition paragraph on dragonflies?

well first of all people are mean and well i think your stupid if you like this

What does the first sentence in a paragraph do?

Typically, the first sentence of a paragraph is called the topic sentence. It is like a "mini thesis" about the paragraph that will follow and should provide some idea of what the paragraph will be about. It should also provide some transition from the previous paragraph. For instance, if you are writing an essay about the three best characteristics of a teacher, and these characteristics include compassion, knowledge and organization, your topic sentence for the paragraph in which you will talk about knowledge (which will come after the paragraph on compassion) could be something like, "Besides compassion for his or her students, a good teacher should have ample knowledge of his or her field."

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