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chord-musical tone


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Q: Can you give examples of 10 homonyms with different spellings?
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Can you give me examples of homonyms?

There Their and They're

Can you give me 10 examples of homonyms?


Can you give 20 examples of homonyms and the meaning?

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Can you give 10 examples of homonyms with sentence?

calm come

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thank you coz you help me in my sister's homework.......c;

Can you give examples of homonyms in sentences?

we use bats(a thing)in killing bats(an animal)

Can you give me 20 homonyms with opposite spelling?

Although "homonyms" are sometimes defined as sounding OR spelling the same, the precise definition requires both. (Sound alikes are "homophones".) Homonyms have different MEANINGS, normally as differing parts of speech (i.e. verb-noun, adjective-noun). Heteronyms are spelled alike but have different sounds and meanings. Examples of homonyms :Bear (animal or carry) / Left (direction or not taken) / Cast (to mold or a splint) Examples of homophones : bye-buy, see-sea, ate-eight, threw-through, to-too-two. Examples of heteronyms : dove (bird, did dive) wind (air, to crank) close (near, to shut)

Give you the 20 parts of homonyms?

homonyms of heart

Can you give 20 examples of homonyms with sentences and picture?

A homonym is a word that sounds like another word, even though it is spelled differently and has a different meaning. Some examples include right and wright, see and sea, and hail and hale.

Can you give you atleast 20 examples of homonyms?

Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings. Arms, bank, can, duck, exact, flat, groom, hood, iron, jam, kind, letter, mole, nail, order, pound, quarry, right, seal, tie, wave, and yard are all examples of homonyms. In contrast, homophones are only pronounced the same but spelled differently, and homographs are spelled the same, but pronounced differently.