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yes give it to them so they die faster

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Q: Can you give kids Gatorade after vomiting?
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Is Gatorade good for you after vomiting and diarhea from a stomach virus and how much?

I have taken Gatorade after my flu, vomiting and diarhea, it helped, but now i feel fine abut have lits fo flatuence bloating

Does Gatorade give you cavities?

Gatorade will give you lots of cavities if you don't brush your teeth twice a day

Can you give a dog powerade or Gatorade?

my dogs love gatorade! I give it to them when they are sick to keep them from dehydrating. I asked my vet & he said that was fine.

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What is Gatorade use for athletes?

Gatorade replenishes your water and also has sodium to give you what sweat takes out of you, Gatorade is only good when it is hard excersize for one an hour

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Can dogs have Gatorade?

no bearded dragons can't drink Gatorade they can be severiously harmed because of the chemicals that make Gatorade I'll have to disagree. My beardie was sick over the weekend and I replaced her electrolytes using Gatorade. I took her to the vet today and he agreed that it was fine and a very appropriate treatment given the circumstances. Many mistake Gatorade for vitamins, which it is not. Gatorade is an electrolyte solution and contains minerals. It is used for hydration.

Can technology have positive affects on kids?

yes it can it can make there eyes go weak sometimes even blind it can give them brain damage and headaches or vomiting and even migraines

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How many Gatorade energy chew should kids under 14 take?

2 is enough for kids under 14 and 6 chews for 15 and up

Can dogs die from drinking Gatorade?

No a dog cannot die from it. Gatorade is surgary so that means they can get an upset stomach or get sick. So in the future give him/her water.