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Q: Can you give me a list of cool callsigns?
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List of how to hget MW2 emblems?

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What are the Call of Duty modern warfare 2 call signs?

Callsigns give you a little Phrase and picture above your Name for online play.

Where do you find a complete list of modern warfare 2 call signs and titles?

Can you give me a list from a to z of cool creatures?

lions and tigers

Where do you find the it's personal challenge on MW2?

All of the callsigns are here

Can you give me a list of good dragon games?

Knight of the Dragon is cool.

Call of duty modern warfare 2 titles?

There is a call of duty wikia page, google for: Modern Warfare 2 Callsign WikiaAnd it should be the first result.It has a list of all the titles and emblems, and how to get i got you a link of the full list of titles and how to get themincluding what the titles mean for example FNG title means fuc*ing new guy = titlesand if you need it here's the emblems

On call of duty modern warfare 2 do you keep your custom classes when you prestige?

no you don't. you lose everything except for your callsigns and emblems so its just like starting from level 1 again. its still worth going prestige though as you unlock more challenges to give you more callsigns and emblems.

All emblems and titles for mw2?

How do you get the art of stealth tag in MW2? :D

What are the different Titles in Modern Warfare 2?

Titles: see related link this was added as a linkEmblems: see related link this was added as a link

Can you give a list of dragon games where you can be the dragon?

Spyro, Raign of Fire, Dragon Rage. Knight Of The Dragon by gamevial is cool, too.