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A noun used to group like things is called a collectivenoun. Examples:

A murder of crows

A parliament of owls

A gaggle of geese

A prickle of porcupines

An army of ants

A troop of apes

A flutter of butterflies

A train of camels

A barrel of monkies

An arc of doves

A wisdom of wombats

A murmuration of starlings

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Q: Can you give me a list of interesting group names for animals - such as a school of fish.?
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What group of animals is called a RIOT?

Animals in large groups have really interesting names. For example, a group of crows is called a murder, and a group of rhinos is called a crash. Kangaroos are commonly known as a mob, but some people call them a riot.

What is the collective name for a group of squid?

Squids are marine animals, and since they travel together like fish, they are probably called a "school" when they are together, as in, "a school of squids." It's interesting that so many different names are used for groups of different wildlife. For more information, please see the related links, below.

What are some words that mean group?

A group is a gathering or assemblage, or possibly a clubor organization.Group names for animals include flock, gaggle, coven, school, pack, brood, drove, or herd.

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A few group names of animals are given below: Names Group Name Apes Troop Ants Army, Colony Bacteria Culture Bees Hive, Swarm Birds Flight Cobra Quiver

Definition for a group of animals?

There isn't an exact definition for a group of animals. However, there is different names for certain groups of animals. Like a like a group of dogs or wolves is called a pack. Or, for another example, a group of lions is called a pride.

Is the Marla a type of animal?

There are many types of animals with interesting names but Marla is not a type of animal. Marla is a female name.

What are the pods names for whales?

The proper term for a group of whales is a "pod" of whales.

The most interesting name of the dog?

There are many names that are interesting for a dog. The name Adonis, Clementine, and Bixby are all interesting dog names.

Who are the Wildlife Publishers?

They are a group of people who love animals and anime! There are 6 people in this group. Their names are Noel, Meep, Catt, Greyclaw, lildevil, & Kiba.

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Cats can have very interesting names. Some of the most interesting cat names are Belvedere, Sambuca, Marlowe, and Waterford.

What are a few good names to for a High school Church Youth group?

knowing the name of the high school would help. name the youth group relating to the school, or after the state. Let me know what high school it is and then I might can come up with something.

Where can I find interesting baby boy names?

There are many different sites available for finding interesting names for both boys and girls. One site that has been discovered to have a great variety of interesting names for boys is the "Moms Who Think" website. The site "Fit Pregnancy" also has a great selection of interesting boys names.