

Can you give me c programs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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• Write Your Own Programs

o Write your own C program to implement the atoi() function

o Implement the memmove() function. What is the difference between the memmove() and memcpy() function?

o Write C code to implement the strstr() (search for a substring) function.

o Write your own printf() function in C

o Implement the strcpy() function.

o Implement the strcmp(str1, str2) function.

o Implement the substr() function in C.

o Write your own copy() function

o Write C programs to implement the toupper() and the isupper() functions

o Write a C program to implement your own strdup() function.

o Write a C program to implement the strlen() function

o Write your own strcat() function

• C

o Write a C program to swap two variables without using a temporary variable

o What is the 8 queens problem? Write a C program to solve it.

o Write a C program to print a square matrix helically.

o Write a C program to reverse a string

o Write a C program to reverse the words in a sentence in place.

o Write a C program generate permutations.

o Write a C program for calculating the factorial of a number

o Write a C program to calculate pow(x,n)?

o Write a C program which does wildcard pattern matching algorithm

o How do you calculate the maximum subarray of a list of numbers?

o How to generate Fibonacci numbers? How to find out if a given number is a Fibonacci number or not? Write C programs to do both.

o Solve the Rat In A Maze problem using backtracking.

o What Little-Endian and Big-Endian? How can I determine whether a machine's byte order is big-endian or little endian? How can we convert from one to another?

o Write C code to solve the Tower of Hanoi problem.

o Write C code to return a string from a function

o Write a C program which produces its own source code as its output

o Write a C progam to convert from decimal to any base (binary, hex, oct etc...)

o Write C code to check if an integer is a power of 2 or not in a single line?

o Write a C program to find the GCD of two numbers.

o Finding a duplicated integer problem

o Write code to remove duplicates in a sorted array.

o Find the maximum of three integers using the ternary operator.

o How do you initialize a pointer inside a function?

o Write C code to dynamically allocate one, two and three dimensional arrays (using malloc())

o How would you find the size of structure without using sizeof()?

o Write a C program to multiply two matrices.

o Write a C program to check for palindromes.

o Write a C program to convert a decimal number into a binary number.

o Write C code to implement the Binary Search algorithm.

o Wite code to evaluate a polynomial.

o Write code to add two polynomials

o Write a program to add two long positive numbers (each represented by linked lists).

o How do you compare floating point numbers?

o What's a good way to implement complex numbers in C?

o How can I display a percentage-done indication on the screen?

o Write a program to check if a given year is a leap year or not?

o Is there something we can do in C but not in C++?

o How to swap the two nibbles in a byte ?

o How to scan a string till we hit a new line using scanf()?

o Write pseudocode to compare versions (like 115.10.1 vs 115.11.5).

o How do you get the line numbers in C?

o How to fast multiply a number by 7?

o Write a simple piece of code to split a string at equal intervals

o Is there a way to multiply matrices in lesser than o(n^3) time complexity?

o How do you find out if a machine is 32 bit or 64 bit?

o Write a program to have the output go two places at once (to the screen and to a file also)

o Write code to round numbers

o How can we sum the digits of a given number in single statement?

o Given two strings A and B, how would you find out if the characters in B were a subset of the characters in A?

o Write a program to merge two arrays in sorted order, so that if an integer is in both the arrays, it gets added into the final array only once. *

o Write a program to check if the stack grows up or down

o How to add two numbers without using the plus operator?

o How to generate prime numbers? How to generate the next prime after a given prime?

o Write a program to print numbers from 1 to 100 without using loops!

o Write your own trim() or squeeze() function to remove the spaces from a string.

o Write your own random number generator function in C.*

o Write your own sqrt() function in C*

• Sorting Techniques Programs

o What is heap sort?

o What is the difference between Merge Sort and Quick sort?

o Give pseudocode for the mergesort algorithm

o Implement the bubble sort algorithm. How can it be improved? Write the code for selection sort, quick sort, insertion sort.

o How can I sort things that are too large to bring into memory?

• C Pointers Programs

o What does *p++ do? Does it increment p or the value pointed by p?

o What is a NULL pointer? How is it different from an unitialized pointer? How is a NULL pointer defined?

o What is a null pointer assignment error?

o Does an array always get converted to a pointer? What is the difference between arr and &arr? How does one declare a pointer to an entire array?

o Is the cast to malloc() required at all?

o What does malloc() , calloc(), realloc(), free() do? What are the common problems with malloc()? Is there a way to find out how much memory a pointer was allocated?

o What's the difference between const char *p, char * const p and const char * const p?

o What is a void pointer? Why can't we perform arithmetic on a void * pointer?

o What do Segmentation fault, access violation, core dump and Bus error mean?

o What is the difference between an array of pointers and a pointer to an array?

o What is a memory leak?

o What are brk() and sbrk() used for? How are they different from malloc()?

o What is a dangling pointer? What are reference counters with respect to pointers?

o What do pointers contain?

o Is *(*(p+i)+j) is equivalent to p[i][j]? Is num[i] operator?

o Can we pass constant values to functions which accept structure arguments?

o How does one use fread() and fwrite()? Can we read/write structures to/from files?

o Why do structures get padded? Why does sizeof() return a larger size?

o Can we determine the offset of a field within a structure and directly access that element?

o What are bit fields in structures?

o What is a union? Where does one use unions? What are the limitations of unions?

• C Macros Programs

o How should we write a multi-statement macro?

o How can I write a macro which takes a variable number of arguments?

o What is the token pasting operator and stringizing operator in C?

o Define a macro called SQR which squares a number.

• C Headers Programs

o What should go in header files? How to prevent a header file being included twice? Whats wrong with including more headers?

o Is there a limit on the number of characters in the name of a header file?

o Is it acceptable to declare/define a variable in a C header?

• C File operations Programs

o How do stat(), fstat(), vstat() work? How to check whether a file exists?

o How can I insert or delete a line (or record) in the middle of a file?

o How can I recover the file name using its file descriptor?

o How can I delete a file? How do I copy files? How can I read a directory in a C program?

o Whats the use of fopen(), fclose(), fprintf(), getc(), putc(), getw(), putw(), fscanf(), feof(), ftell(), fseek(), rewind(), fread(), fwrite(), fgets(), fputs(), freopen(), fflush(), ungetc()?

o How to check if a file is a binary file or an ascii file?

• C Declarations and Definitions Programs

o What is the difference between char *a and char a[]?

o How can I declare an array with only one element and still access elements beyond the first element (in a valid fashion)?

o What is the difference between enumeration variables and the preprocessor #defines?

• C Functions - built-in Programs

o Whats the difference between gets() and fgets()? Whats the correct way to use fgets() when reading a file?

o How can I have a variable field width with printf?

o How can I specify a variable width in a scanf() format string?

o How can I convert numbers to strings (the opposite of atoi)?

o Why should one use strncpy() and not strcpy()? What are the problems with strncpy()?

o How does the function strtok() work?

o Why do we get the floating point formats not linked error?

o Why do some people put void cast before each call to printf()?

o What is assert() and when would I use it?

o What do memcpy(), memchr(), memcmp(), memset(), strdup(), strncat(), strcmp(), strncmp(), strcpy(), strncpy(), strlen(), strchr(), strchr(), strpbrk(), strspn(), strcspn(), strtok() do?

o What does alloca() do?

o Can you compare two strings like string1==string2? Why do we need strcmp()?

o What does printf() return?

o What do setjmp() and longjump() functions do?

• C Functions - The main function Programs

o Whats the prototype of main()? Can main() return a structure?

o Is exit(status) equivalent to returning the same status from main()?

o Can main() be called recursively?

o How to print the arguments received by main()?

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