

Best Answer
  1. Trees were dancing with the wind.
  2. The radio stopped singing and continued to stare at me.
  3. The picture in that magazine shouted for attention.
  4. The someone winked at me.
  5. The lightning lashed out with anger.
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Q: Can you give me five examples of personification?
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What are 5 examples of personification?

Five examples of personification include the sun kissed the grass, the stars danced in the sky, and the wind howled through the house. Time sneaks up on you and the fire ran out of control are other personification examples.

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Examples of personification in "Rebecca" include the sea whispering secrets and the house Manderley holding its breath in anticipation. These instances give life-like qualities to inanimate objects, adding to the eerie and atmospheric tone of the novel.

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Examples of personification in "In Cold Blood" include describing the wind as "howling" or the trees as "whispering." These instances give human-like qualities to non-human elements, creating vivid and emotional imagery in the narrative.

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flour\ flower i don't really know can you give me some examples

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God is the personification of love.

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it means symbol

Can you give a personification for a kitten?

No you can only give personification to something that's not alive.

What are five examples of landforms?

ANSWER:I'm not sure there are five. So, I'll give you 4 examples of landforms.Continents ~ Islands ~ Peninsula ~ and Isthmus.

What are five similes and metaphors in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Foreshadowing, similies, metaphors, irony, and personification.

Can you give five examples of allusion?

to love or not to love that is the question