

Can you give me spells

Updated: 8/26/2019
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9y ago

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No, spells do not exist.

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Q: Can you give me spells
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What spells are there in the book of forbidden spells?

Lots of spells for dark magic. Stuff that could give you nightmares.

What website give you real spells? (real experience)

How do you use spells on diablo 2 lord of destruction?

you can assign the spells to left click and right click. you have to select the icon next to the health or the mana orbs. then it will give you a selection of the spells you currently have.

Can you give people the mermaid spell now?

No. Spells and mermaids are not real.

Is there such a thing as a growth spell?

There are spells of increase. They are not so much growth spells, as in making a person taller, but increase spells, as in, "growing" your knowledge, or your understanding or your patience. I have even seen a few spells to "grow" your back account. Many Hedge or Garden witches will do spells to increase the health of plants, but most of these do not transfer to people as they call on the sun to give the plant strength, the rain and the earth to nourish it etc.

Can you do spells?

Yes, you can do spells.

What are some magic spells?

Asking "what are some spells?" is like asking what are some books - about what? in what genre? You're speaking pretty generally there, which makes it hard for us to give you an answer. Let me know if there is anything in particular you wish to know, and I'll do my best to help. you can go to to learn spells.

Where is the Storm Tower in Wizard101?

Storm Tower is in Ravenwood across from the storm building (where they give out spells) ~wariolink

What are voodoo spells?

Voodoo spells are spells that are done by a practitioner of the Vodun faith.

What spells can get rid of ghosts?

No spells get rid of ghost. Ghosts are not real and spells are not real.

Is it bad to do spells?

You cannot "do" spells. They don't exist. But, it is ungodly to do spells, or pretend to, anyway.

Do vampires spells work on people?

vampire spells?? i wasnt aware vampires have spells...