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Water turning from a liquid into a solid. Of course by FREEZING it.

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Q: Can you give me the example of freezing?
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heatwave, meteor, freezing temperatures, Save

Can you give an example of a simple sentence using 'below'?

It was five degrees below freezing this morning.

Could you give me an example using the word solidify?

If a substance is cooled enough, it will solidify at its freezing point.

Can you use freezing in a sentence?

Yes, for example: you are freezing to death, it is freezing out here.

Give one example of a concept that can be described scientifically?

Putting salt on a road to keep water from freezing in the winter.

Can you give me a sentence using the word freezing?

i am freezing :]

Freezing water is an example?

water freezing into ice liquid to solid

Freezing and thawing are examples of?

Freezing and Thawing is an example of Mechanical Weathering.

Water freezing is an example of......?

water freezing into ice liquid to solid

Freezing is an example of what change?

Freezing water is an example of a physical change because the material contents of the water has not changed.

What is an example of water freezing?

Freezing water of is an example of physical change.

What is water freezing in the crack of a rock an example of?

Water freezing in the cracks of rock is an example of Mechanical Weathering also referred to as Physical Weathering.