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Absolutely not! If you are trying to self medicate your cat, please know you will most likely cause it serious harm giving it human medication. Consult a vet.

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Q: Can you give pseudoephedrine to a cat and what is the dosage?
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From what i have researched , the difference is that pseudoephedrine HCI has 16% pseudoephedrine HCL. You can read more on the following website http:/

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You don't want to give your cat penicillin. If the cat has a puncture wound, it will become or already has become an abscess. That is where the wound does not heal properly from the inside out and closes over with the infection trapped inside. Take your cat into a Veterinarian to have it checked out. Normally they will clean out the abscess and put a penrose drain in it so it can continue to drain out the infection & then heal properly from the inside to the outside. The Vet will also put the cat on antibiotics, the proper ones for that type of infection.

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Cats tolerate penicillin, but the dosage varies from that humans take. Please take this animal to the vet -- even if you do get the right dosage of penicillin, and even if the cat isn't allergic, I presume from your question you're not able to suture the wound. Please get a vet invovled in this.

What dosage of corid do you give goats?

Whatever dosage the VETERINARIAN said to use.

I accidentally gave my dog my cat's Frontline. He's 70 lbs. and my cat is 11 lbs. I'm guessing the cat's dosage isn't enough for my dog. Can I now give my dog the dog's version of the Frontline?

I would wait for a day then give the dog version to be safe. If you really really want to give it to him now though you could probably give him half the dose. I'm not an expert and I prefer to be on the safe side