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Q: Can you give someone your snowflakes on Habbo?
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Will someone give you a rich Habbo US account with tradeing on that's done with Habbo?

no way someone would do that on habbo!

Can someone give you a couple of Habbo hacks?


How do you give rights to someone when they aren't online in Habbo?


Is there a cheap coin website for habbo?

Unfortunately, just about every website claiming to give you "free coins" is a fake. If it asks you to give your e-mail or password to your Habbo account, get away from that site. It's a scam. If it asks you to give simply your username, then looks up a few reviews for it or ask someone on Habbo. Good luck!

What is Ludus's password on Habbo?

You can't just hang someone you idiot.WikiAnswers does not give out information about users on other sites.

How you mute someone on Habbo?

You report them saying " (this) Person is personally bullying me, saying things about me. "

Can your computer get a virus from getting hacked on Habbo?

No it cannot. Also, there is no way to get "hacked" on Habbo Hotel. The only way someone can gain access to your account is If you willingly give your information, or visit a website that was advertised inside the Hotel and it was an exact replica of the Habbo Hotel sign in.

Who is darkroot in Habbo?

This is a Habbo avatar, likely created by someone without major significance.

Can someone make you a habbo retro please?

a habbo retros cost loads of money!

Who is Rosemarrymagi on Habbo?

This is a Habbo avatar, likely created by someone without major significance.

How do you kik a Habbo fast?

There is no such thing as kiking someone "fast" in habbo. You just have to kik

Does Habbo Hotel give you a gift on your birthday?

No but sometimes you can persuade other people on Habbo to give you a birthday present! :D