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Q: Can you give zakat to your unmarried sister if your father is earning?
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Your real married sister is very poor can you give zakat to her?

Assalam-o-Alaikum Yes, you can give zakat to your real sister or brother if he / she deserve it. You can not give zakat to your parent, parents of your parents, your children and children of your children.

Can I pay zakat to my maid who is a non Muslim?

No you cann't. Not because she is non Muslim but because she is your maid and you are responsible of her living so she doesn't desrve zakat from you. Also, you can't pay zakat to your father or sons.

Why do Muslim people have to give zakat using the religious scripture?

on Muslims it is an obligation to pay zakat other words it purifies our money ...and in this way Muslims also help those who r poor and don't have enough earning to live on ...

Can i give zakat to my wife's mother?

Not ususally because a son-in-law is legally responsible (Islamically) for supporting his mother-in-law. Zakat can only be given to family members if the entire family is destitute.

Can you give zakat yo your real uncle?

yes you can and it is better because you have to help the people near to you more than any one . you can't pay zakat to your roots like " mother ,father , grand father ..." and also you can't pay zakat to your leaves like"sons ,your sons's sons "

Can a wife give Zakat to her husband for finishing loan?

no a wife cant give zakat or money of zakat to her husband under the masarif of zakat.

How is zakah distributed?

Zakat is the Fourth Pillar of Islam. It is also a duty of a Muslim sister or brother. When you donate your Zakat, it will hopefully be distributed to the less fortunate or the poor. It includes: young childern, adults, elderly people, disabled, etc. May Allah (SWT) give blessings to those who give Zakat and help those in need. Ameen.

Can syed give zakat to syed?

there are two type of Zakat: obligatory Zakat and Mustahab (recommended Zakat). Recommended Zakat is same as non obligatory donations. Syed can receive non obligatory Zakat from all. but obligatory only from Syed.

What is zakat in Arabic?

It is Zakat in Arabic as well. :)

Can you pay zakat in instalments?

No we can not pay zakat in instalment.

Can you pay zakat on assets?

Yes we can pay zakat on our assets.

What can you get zakat for yourself?

What is zakat even that needs to be answered first