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It's depending on if the camp is over. They will give you a Paper of when the camp is going Start and end.

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Q: Can you go camping for 4 days after having your navel piercing done for 8 weeks?
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Is it possible to go swimming with a navel piercing?

yes but only after 3 to 4 weeks

It's been about two weeks since my navel piercing can i go swimming in a pool with chlorine?


How do you heal holes after removal of navel piercing?

Wash the piercing take out the jewellery and leave it alone. It will heal over in a few months or a few weeks it depends on how old the piercing is.

Should you take your belly bar out after weeks of having it pierced?

Unless you have a good reason for wanting to take out the jewellery (hospital x-rays), there should be no need to remove the jewellery from a navel piercing.

Which piercing hurts worse navel or tongue?

Navel. I have had both done. Navel hurts and takes forever to heal. The tongue is so quick you do t even feel it. And it takes no more than two weeks to heal.

Does the navel piercing scar after?

Some people scar but i didnt It was Red for a while though,but a couple weeks after i got it it went back to normal

Your navel piercing hurts what should you do?

if you have only recently had your navel pierced it is still healing and will hurt for up to the next 4 weeks, it should be kept clean to avoid infection. if it has been over 4 weeks and it still hurts, check for reddness around the area. if it is not red you may have just caught it on something. If it is red, check for any discharge from around the piercing, if that is also present seek medical advice

After how long did you change your belly or navel piercing for the 1st time?

You need to wait a minimum of 3 months to do it yourself. However, your piercer is able to do it in as little as one to two weeks.

How Long Does it take for a Navel piercing healing after taking it out?

It depends on the type of piercing and the size of the piercing. If it's a small gauge it will close within a few days, larger gauge a weeks. Just wash the piercing remove the jewellery and clean the area when bathing normally. It will close when it feels like it, you just need to leave it alone.

During the healing process of your navel piercing can you lay out in the sun?

It is recommended that you wait at least a few weeks but you can. Indoor tanning you would have to wait longer. Just be careful is you are putting SPF or lotion on. If it gets into the piercing it could get infected and that is VERY painful.

How long to keep a new piercing in until you change it?

it really depends on the piercing, the most common Navel (belly button) and Nose are both 6 weeks but i would leave it in at least 2 mths before you change it. whatever you dowith the navel.... Dont change it all the time it makes it grow out i figure it out lol also if you have your tongue its 1-2 weeks :) with lip and Eyebrow peircings 3 to 5 days hope this helps

You want your belly done but I have to have my appendix taken out in about 3 weeks can you get it done then take it out for a couple of hours?

No get your operation out of the way then get your navel piercing done. Taking a new piercing out for a few hours when it's not even 6 weeks old is not a smart or good idea. Just wait and get it done once you have healed from surgery.