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i wouldn't.

the baby could suffer from brain trauma

ever heard of shaken baby syndrome?

well it can happen before the baby is born as well.

i wouldn't risk your health or the babys if i were you

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15y ago

You can ride a horse while pregnant. Humans can ride while pregnant also.

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14y ago

It may be uncomfortable, but yes you can.

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Q: Can you go horse back riding when pregnant?
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Where should you go horse back riding for fun?

You should go horesback riding any where for fun but I have more fun on trails in the woods,

Why should you start riding a horse at 8?

To gain experience! When you grow older, you can say you've already been in horse- back riding and you know the general feeling of riding on horse back. Plus, it's fun! You can also win trophies and go to competitions...have fun!

Where do you horse back ride?

you can go horse back riding down a long dirt road. in ur back yard. down trails. basically anywhere

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The term "bareback" refers to horseback riding. When one goes bareback it means that one is riding the horse without the use of a saddle and on the bare back of the horse.

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Hunting, horse back riding, hide and go seek

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When a horse is acting up, you have to show them who is the boss. Most horses will try to test a rider to see how much they can get away with. Do not let them get away with anything. To build your confidence, you just need to keep riding.

What do you do if you don't have the right of way horse back riding?

Then you can just ride on, the other rider has to go on the insidetrack to avoid you.

Can you get a degree in horse riding?

go to collage

Does let's go have horse riding?
