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Q: Can you go rafting with a broken finger?
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Related questions

What can you do for a broken finger?

You can get a finger splint or better yet you can go to your family doctor and ask that.

Who does do river rafting?

There isn't really a specific people who does river rafting, if just depends whether you want to go river rafting or not.

Instructions on how fix a broken finger?

instructions on how fix a broken finger

Where can I go White Water Rafting in Maine?

You can go White Water Rafting in Maine at North Country White Water Rafting. Its address is Route 201, 36 Main Street, Bingham, ME

Can you go rafting in your third trimester?


What to do about smashed finger tip that turned green?

go to the doctors and get it checked out. it may be broken :(

Where can one go white water rafting?

There are many places one can go white water rafting. There are location in California, Florida and New York. One can find details on many location on the 'Rafting America' website.

How do you fix a fractured middle finger?

The easiest way would be to tape the broken finger to an adjoining finger, like the ring finger. You could also get a padded aluminum finger splint and put that on the broken finger.

I have finger pain. How can I tell if my finger is broken or not?

The surest way to tell if your finger is broken is to have an x-ray done by a doctor. They will be able to tell for sure.

What is the Charlie Brown movie when they go rafting?

The Charlie Brown movie where they go rafting is called "Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown." In the movie, Charlie Brown and his friends participate in a rafting competition at a summer camp.

If you hurt your finger and it is badly swollen how big of a chance is there that it is broken?

It's probably not broken. Apply cool compress and elevate above the heart to control the swelling. If the finger can't be moved easily, and the swelling does not go down, it may then be a broken finger.

How do you get a broken finger?

bend it