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Sure why not? Unless there is a magic force field that prohibits you from enjoying life due to your navel piercing why not. Use common sense, if you go in the water be sure when you get home you wash your new piercing in the shower, other than that fill your boots or should that be your sand bucket? Have fun.

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Q: Can you go to the beach after a 2 day old navel piercing?
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How old do you have to be to have a navel piercing in Australia?


How old do you have to be to get a navel piercing with out parental consent?

18. :]

How old do you need to get a navel piercing?

same as your ears, but you may have to have your parents permission

When can you take belly button piercings out?

Navel piercing that are a year old are considered "seasoned" and can go without jewellery for any where from a day to several days. Removing the jewellery from an "unseasoned" piercing can lead to loss of the piercing and undue trauma to the newly forming tissue that makes up the piercing.

How do you heal holes after removal of navel piercing?

Wash the piercing take out the jewellery and leave it alone. It will heal over in a few months or a few weeks it depends on how old the piercing is.

How long is the least before you can take your belly bar out?

Navel piercing that are a year old are considered "seasoned" and can go without jewellery for any where from a day to several days. Removing the jewellery from an "unseasoned" piercing can lead to loss of the piercing and undue trauma to the newly forming tissue that makes up the piercing.

How old do you have to be to get your navel pierced?

Contact your local professional body piercing studio of age requirements in your area.

How old do you have to be to get your navel pierced in clarksville tn and where do you go?

You have to be 18 or older to to get a piercing. So if your 18 your free to go. But if not no you cant. Also Kids do not Get a piercing. You can get a piercing at the age of 18 or older. Bye! :)

Can you get sutface piercing to even out off centered navel piercing 2 days later?

Technically, a navel piercing is a surface piercing. I dont understand what you want the surface piercing for though. It wouldnt even anything out. BUT since your piercing is only a few days old, the swelling could make it look off-centered. When you go back to get a new bar for it, ask your piercer about it. Normally, they'll redo it for free since its their error.

How old must you be to get a navel piercing in NH?

You must be 16. When you go to get it done, you need to bring your birth certificate, your parent, and they need to have their ID.

Is it normal to have the site of your belly button piercing get infected years after removing the piercing?

Yes it isn't uncommon. The piercing may not have jewellery in it however dirt, bacteria and other nasty things can still enter the old piercing site and cause it to abscess Navel piercing sites need to be cleaned regardless of there being jewellery in the piercing or not.

Is it bad for a 13 year old to get her navel pierced?

yes it is bad, its not recommended by anyone to get a belly button piercing at a young age like 13. my sister is a doctor and says it is possible to get a disease by getting it pierced. if you want a piercing on your navel i think a good age would be 16 and over. -hope this helped