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Rosemary is usually propagated by cuttings. Seeds can be difficult to germinate and often don't grow true to their parent. It's much faster to start with a cutting and you will be sure of what type of plant you will get. It's possible to root rosemary in a glass of water, but a bit more effort will give more dependable results.

1. Snip about a 2 inch cutting from the soft, new growth of an established plant.

2. Remove the leaves from the bottom inch and dip that tip into a rooting hormone. Rooting hormones can be found in any garden center.

3. Carefully place the dipped end into a container of dampened, sterile seed starting mix. Choose a mix that says it is well draining, like something containing peat moss with vermiculite or perlite.

4. Place the container in a warm spot with indirect sunlight.

5. Mist the cuttings daily and make sure the soil does not dry out.

6. In about 2-3 weeks, test for root growth by very gently tugging on the cuttings.

7. Once your cuttings have roots, transplant into individual pots about 3-4 inches in diameter.

8. Pinch off the very top of the cutting to encourage it to develop branches.

9. Begin caring for your cutting as a rosemary plant.

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