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no i could not handle a long distace realation ship if i don't even know him because i dont know what he looks like or how old he is. Also he cold be liying on how old he is

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Q: Can you handle a long distance relationship with a man you have never met?
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What do you do to improve a long distance relationship?

To be honest,a long-distance relationship never really works. But if you want to try to improve it,maybe you can try webcam dates,emails,or daily visits.

Ages are 32 and 35 no kids and never married. Do a long distance relationship or move in together after 2 months?

No question ... long distance.

How can you handle a long-distance relationship?

okay,the only thing i can say is this i myself am in the same relationship,in a very long distance relationship am in Asia and my galfriend is in Africa and to handle this type of relationship isn't easy at all but i can say the only thing which is needed is trust and believing that wherever he/she at, he/she does real care for your relationship,there are ups and downs so be ready to share, open to each other and see if it works, once it works the relationship is perfect.

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um Long-distance relationship?

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In some instances when the relationship isn't fully developed or is not that strong, long distance relationships can be disastrous. But if you have a strong relationship full of trust, communication, and commitment then long distance relationships can actually strengthen your relationship and help it grow. If you manage a long distance relationship and it works out, you know that your relationship can withstand difficult situations.

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What you mean like long distance cumshots? In that case like 1 in 69

How long do you think the long distance relationship will last?

It can last a long time if you are both committed. I have been in a long distance relationship for 7 months

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I wouldn't think so. (I don't approve of long distance, but I never tried it)

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Never, No girl EVER wants a long distance relationship. Because she wants to feel like she has someone she can call up and will be by her side quickly for whatever she needs.

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Maybe he is frustrated with having to deal with a long distance relationship. Visit him. That will change his mind.

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Long-Distance Relationship - 2012 was released on: USA: 8 May 2012