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Possibly, but you would need a surrogate to use them. Talk to your OB/GYN.

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Q: Can you harvest eggs if you still have ovaries but no uterus?
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Can you still get pregnant if you had bilateral salpingo oophorectomy?

No as you willl have no ovaries to produce eggs nor tubes to carry these to the uterus

Can you still produce eggs after partial hysterectomy and have one ovary?

Hysterectomy is removal of your uterus. Ooectomy is removal of your ovaries. If your ovaries were left when they did the hysterectomy (quite common these days), yes, you can still produce fertile eggs, no problem. If your uterus is gone, though, there's nowhere for the eggs to go. If you still have fallopian tubes, you'd still be at risk for ectopic pregnancy.

How are eggs transported?

They are transported from the ovaries by the fallopian tubes to the uterus

Can your eggs be removed after a partial hysterectomy?

After a partial hysterectomy the eggs released from the ovaries are absorbed into the blood stream.

Can you keep your ovaries with a hysterectomy and not have a monthly ovulation?

No. hysterectomy only removes uterus. The ovaries produce the ova (eggs) so unless you have a bilateral (both) oopherectomy you will still ovulate.

How do you get pregnant with no ovaries?

You need someone to donate eggs and then they fertilize them and then insert them into your uterus.

When is the fetus ready to leave the ovary?

Fetuses do not come from the ovaries, a female's eggs come from the ovaries. Fetuses come from the uterus.

Do you still have reproductive eggs after a hysterectomy four years ago?

If you are still premenopausal the simple answer is your ovaries will still produced eggs however they obviously cannot become viable as you have no uterus for them to fertilise. See a fertily expert to see if they can be gathered.

Can you have a total hysterectomy and is ovulating?

Total hysterectomy (removal of uterus and cervix) does not remove the ovaries or fallopian tubes and therefore these will still produce eggs and menses.

What happens to ovaries after a tubal ligation?

The ovaries continue to produce eggs. The difference is that the fallopian tubes have been cut and tied (to the uterus) so as to prevent the egg/s migration into the uterus to be fertilized.

How does eggs get from ovary to uterus?

Growing follicles in the ovaries secrete small amounts of oestrogen in to the blood.

If they remove your eggs can you still fall pregnant?

depends on how they did it. Did they remove your ovaries? If not your ovaries will produce more eggs. They can not remove all of them unless they remove your ovaries. Then you will no longer produce eggs.