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Mice as a rule are social creatures. Female mice can, and should, be kept in groups of at least three (that way if one dies, there will still be a pair to keep each other company).

Males, unfortunately, are too territorial and should be kept singly as pets.

Never keep males and females together unless you want, and are willing to care for and/or rehome, a LOT of babies.

Ensure they have a large cage to run around and explore in, as mice are generally very active, smart, and curious; and will get frustrated if kept in a tiny cage. A ten gallon tank, or wire cage of similar dimensions, is fine for three mice.

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12y ago
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13y ago

no no no you cant have them in the same cage as the rat would fight the mice to there death, sorry

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11y ago

not unless you want 1 dead mouse and 1 alive mouse!

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Q: Can you have rats and mice be in the same cage?
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Mice are okay... RATS are better. They're much more interactive and won;t run away from you if you take them out of their cage.

What types of rodents can rats live with?

Rats cannot live with guinea pigs. Although there may be some exceptions, rats and guinea pigs generally do not get along well at all. The same goes for rats and mice. Each type of rodent should have it's own cage and living area.

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Why don't mice and rats get along?

It's not that mice and rats in general have a grudge or something against each other. It is more so that rats can be bullies. Just from reading and watching the behavior of my rats I learned that they can become territorial as well as pick on anything they have advantage over. For example the mice are small and the rat can easily overpower them. Not to mention since rats can be territorial especially when it comes to their living environments such as sharing a cage, it is usually wise to have a rat in his own cage until he gets use to having a playmate around. Like I said before rats are prone to bullying and if you give them the chance they will. Hope this helps :)

Why don't rats and mice get along?

It's not that mice and rats in general have a grudge or something against each other. It is more so that rats can be bullies. Just from reading and watching the behavior of my rats I learned that they can become territorial as well as pick on anything they have advantage over. For example the mice are small and the rat can easily overpower them. Not to mention since rats can be territorial especially when it comes to their living environments such as sharing a cage, it is usually wise to have a rat in his own cage until he gets use to having a playmate around. Like I said before rats are prone to bullying and if you give them the chance they will. Hope this helps :)

How are rats and mice the same and different?

Different : Rat's are way bigger, and I think mice smell alot worse. Rats are more social, mice are more 'pocket pets'. Rats have longer tails. Same: They are both rodents, and require chew toys to keep their teeth down. Both look the same, except for their size.

Are mice related to rats?

Almost but the differences are that: Rats are bigger than mice as most people know. Rats are more intelligent Rats are less smelly Rats are much better pets than mice Related things: They have almost the same lifespan. Note : These are only what I know. There might be more answers to this.