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It general expungement is possible. It all depends from case to case. First you have to make sure that you are eligible for expungement; to do this you will need to contact the relevant authorities in PA.

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Q: Can you have a DUI expunged from your record in PA?
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Does an expunged DUI count as a 2nd DUI in pa?

No. Expunging a record is the only way to truly clear it completely. It will not be used as further punishment in conjunction with future infractions.

Can a person have their record expunged with a 2003 retail theft and a 2008 DUI in the state of Pa?

A criminal record is expunged of each individual offense at a time, on the order of the Court. You would have to petition the Court for each individual offense you wished expunged from your record. Whether or not it's expunged is entirely up to the Court.

Can you have a DUI expungement in Ohio?

In Ohio, DUI convictions cannot be expunged from your criminal record. The conviction will stay on your record permanently.

Can a person have a DUI record sealed in Nevada?

You can have your record sealed, or your DUI expunged, but it doesn't always mean what you think it means in plain English. The law in Nevada requires 7 years for misdemeanor DUI, 15 years for felony DUI, before your record can be expunged.

Can you have a DUI charge expunged in IN?

You may be able to have the criminal charge of DUI expunged (although I seriously doubt it), the DMV record is NOT expungable. It becomes a permanent part of your driving record.

What does it take to have a felony for a 3rd DUI expunged?

The criminal portion of the DUI might possibly be expunged from your ciminal history record, but it can never be expunged from your driving record. Your driving record truly is "forever" and is a complete record of your driving history from the very first time you were issued your license.

How many years do you have to wait to have a felony DUI expunged in kansas?

If you were charged with a DUI after July 1, 2006 it is 10 years before your record can be expunged.

Can a DUI be removed from your record in TN?

After a certain amount of time it can be expunged, yes

Does you record get expunged if you got a DUI as a minor?

Yes most criminal covictions as a minor will be expunged due to the fact your a MINOR.

Can you get a DUI felony expunge off your record in Mississippi?

You can have your record expunged, but it is rarely successful when you were convicted of the crime.

How long does DUI stay on record in nys?

A DUI stays on your record forever unless you can your record sealed or expunged, which isn't likely to happen unless you were a juvenile when you committed the offense.

Can you expunge a DUI in NC?

You cannot expunge from your record any conviction that was received as an adult. In NC, 16 and older is an adult. If you were convicted of anything, it cannot be expunged. Only charges that were dismissed can be expunged. Your DUI will be on your record forever. Sorry.