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Most C- sections occur because labor has progressed but there may be problem. For instance, the baby may have a declining heart rate or may not have turned or some other emergency. In most cases the mothers have already had the epidural If you are having a planned C-section they will probably give you a spinal block which is like an epidural only it goes directly into your spine. They only resort to putting you under in extreme cases. Epidurals aren't bad. You probably won't even feel the needle go in. You will have such relief after you get one, that the little needle prick won't even phase you

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Q: Can you have a c section without an epidural?
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Do you have to have epidural?

This is usually a personal decision, but an epidural might be recommended in certain situations, such as when: Your labor pain is so intense that you feel exhausted or out of control. An epidural can help you rest and get focused. You have a higher than average chance of needing a C-section.

When you get a C-section do you have to get shots in the butt?

No they usually prefer that you are awake and for that they give you a epidural so you are numb waist down. So the shot goes in your back just like if you get a epidural if you give birth vaginally. If you are asking because you are afraid of the pain i can assure you childbirth hurts a lot more without it.

How can one have a painless delivery?

You can't unless you have a c-section before you go into labor but that is only if there is something wrong with your or the babies health. And Braxton-hicks contractions happen before labor and are the starter to labor in the second trimester. Even if you get a c-section or epidural after labor starts you are going to have to go through the pain of one before they give you a epidural or say you need a c-section which can be up to days. All of us moms went through it and survived.

Can you have an epidural with hep c?


What area is the anesthesia is administered to numb the nerves from the uterus and birth passage without stopping labor?


Does Medicaid cover epidural?

yes. i have medicaid and it paid for everything during delivery, including the $10,000 it took to air lift my daughter to a childrens hospital after birth due to complications, and my emergency c-section.

Where do you administer anesthetic during childbirth?

If it's not a c-section you can get an epidural in your spine or just a pain reliever in the iv or butt. If you tear they will give a local anesthetic so they can stitch you back up.

How much does a cesarean procedure cost without insurance?

If you get a c section it will cost about $10.00

Can you choose to have a c-section if you don't have anybody to be in the delivery room with you since your hubby is in Iraq and you don't know anyone where you are stationed yet?

I think you would need to discuss this with the doctors. A vaginal delivery is better for the baby as all the squeezing etc. encourages it to start breathing. If you are nervours about a normal labour then you need to talk to them about pain relief and the option of an epidural. Some C-sections are performed with an epidural anyway so you wouldn't necessarily be asleep. Sue

Did Jamie Lynn Spears have a natural birth?

No, she had a c-section. She prob had cesarean because shes so rich and didnt want to be in any pain or do any of the pushing or tearing of her va-jay-jay. Freakin WIMP!! If you are a big girl enough to have sex, you should have a natural birth (with or without drugs). She could have had an epidural and still not have felt anything

Can you have a c section after a emergency c section?


Cant get pregnant after c section?

No. You can get pregnant after a C-section