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Yes. Energy drinks, bars, protein shakes. Anything that increases your heart rate can cause a heart attack. Especialy energy drinks. Although, its not a heart attack you should worry about, its the fact that if you drink too many of those too quick it will increase your heart rate drmamaticly and cause your heart to literally explode. Neat Huh? =P

Michael W

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15y ago
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12y ago

I do not think the medical profession has studied this to an extent that they provide clear answers on it.

However, my personal experiences suggest that the answer is ABSOLUTELY. I don't think they cause irreparable harm, but they create a chemical imbalance in the body that leads to cardiac instability and some weird side effects.

My experience is this: I drank 2 - 3 16 oz monster drinks per day for months up to a year or so. I also started drinking a bit too much alcohol. Eventually I started having panic attacks. There were two main triggers. One was drinking more than 3 alcoholic standard drinks (shots or beers). The panic attack would happen many hours after the drinking. We are talking several hours after I am sober. I would wake from a deep sleep with my heart pounding (tachycardia) at 150+ beats per minute. I caught some of these episodes on an event monitor after some cardiologist visits, and there were no signs of heart malfunction or damage, so it's really as though my nervous or adrenal system was out of whack temporarily.

The second trigger was exercise, but not what you would expect. It wasn't the intensity of exercise, but more the duration. Just a low key workout for a long duration would be relatively normal, but then when I tried to slow down or stop the workout, THAT is when the heart rate issues would come along. It was completely counter-intuitive, but when I slowed down or went to the cooldown, suddenly my heart rate would SKYROCKET from 110 - 125 beats during the exercise, to upwards of 200 beats per minute.

In both instances, post alcohol or exercise, I could make the panic attack subside in 3 - 10 minutes by drinking a bunch of water, walking around, getting up, and just trying to think about other things. In a few instances I used some Xanax that my GP prescribed to help with the more severe attacks.

Needless to say the first few attacks had me going to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. However, all the symptoms reduced and nearly went away by going off the monster drink. I had similar symptoms a year or more before it got really bad, and never made the connection. I had gotten to a point in my life where I was drinking more monster and alcohol and things got worse. When I cleaned up, they got better. I made the connection a year later when I was abusing monster and alcohol again. I got off the monster and slowly started adding alcohol in moderation back to my lifestyle - and everything is FINE! This proves it is more the monster than the alcohol.

My theory is the taurine causes the long term effect. If you read up on taurine online, you will see it has involvement in the regulation of heart rate among other things. Elevating the taurine level in your body probably disrupts your natural regulation mechanisms eventually. There are many regulation mechanisms in your body that get out of whack if you artificially affect the levels (i.e. go nuts with sugars and you end up diabetic). It probably took 1-2 months to recover, but after getting clean from the monster abuse, I'm guessing my body restored to its natural balance. All is well now.

I hope this story will help others out there. You will get through it, and you won't die.. it's extremely scary.. just get off the monster as soon as you can. Taper off gradually. If you drink 3 cans per day, go to 2, then 1, then open a single can and keep it in the fridge. Just drink a portion of it at a time.. Once you are down to less than 1 can per day, try to stop altogether, and drink soda or coffee instead. If you can, get your doctor to get you some xanax or similar benzodiazapine. Don't abuse it!! Just take tiny doses as needed only, for the bad panic attacks.

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12y ago

yes it will because there is so much caffeine in the monster it makes your heart work 3 times as fast.

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13y ago

well kinda a kid died from a school around where i live they can stop ur heart! :(

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12y ago

Yes, energy drinks can give you a heart attack.

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13y ago

if you drink like more than 6 cans a day

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