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Q: Can you have an impact on whether or not someone chooses to drink and drive?
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Related questions

What are external influences on whether on not a person chooses to drink?

External influences on whether or not a person chooses to drink includes parents and other adults and the culture around them.

Is it true that you really have no impact on whether or not a friend or family member chooses to drink and drive?

unless you physically prevent them from doing so, it is their decision and they can choose to ignore what is safe and legal and do what is unsafe and illegal.

What are external influences on whether or not a person choose to drink?

External influences on whether or not a person chooses to drink includes parents and other adults and the culture around them.

Are external influences on whether or not a person choose to drink?

External influences on whether or not a person chooses to drink includes parents and other adults and the culture around them.

What are external influence on whether on not a person influences to drink?

External influences on whether or not a person chooses to drink includes parents and other adults and the culture around them.

What are internal influences on whether or not a person chooses to drink?

How he feels about himself and his mood at that time

How can a girl get his man drunk?

It is not your place to "get" someone else to drink. If she chooses not to drink, that is her right, and she is likely smarter than the people who are drinking.

Why do adults drink?

because they make stupid chooses.

Which are internal influences on weather or not a person chooses to drink?

Your experiences

What are the influences on whether or not a person chooses to drink?

People 'drink' (I'm assuming you mean alcohol and not some other fluid) for a variety of reasons. Some of these confounding factors include but are limited to: - Enjoyment of the taste, colour, and/or aroma of alcohol, wine, beer, and/or spirits. - Thirst. - Peer pressure. - Social routine. People drink at any outing or party if they see others doing so, this is different from, but similar to peer pressure. - Emotional pain. - Wanting to relax. -Habit.

Is it legal to sell alcohol to someone who is mentally challenged?

Yes. They still have the right to choose whether they wish to drink alcohol or not.

How long can an alcoholic go without a drink?

It depends on the severity of the addiction and individual factors, but withdrawal symptoms may begin within hours to a few days of their last drink. Delirium tremens, a severe form of alcohol withdrawal, can occur within 72 hours and can be life-threatening. A medically supervised detox is recommended to ensure safety during the withdrawal process.