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Q: Can you have bile reflux if you don't have acid reflux?
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Related questions

Do acid reflux makes you spit all the time?

Acid reflux causes heartburn and discomfort in the esophagus. Spitting up could happen due to excessive post nasal drip, burning throat or bile reflux.

What does the liver produce to help in digestion?

Bile. That bitter burning fluid that we sometimes choke on with acid reflux.

What is silent reflex?

Silent reflux is just like acid reflux except you dont get the symptoms like heartburn or indegestion, you dont know you have it but its there.

How do you say acid reflux in french?

"acid reflux" is "reflux gastrique" in French.

Can you have kids if you have acid reflux?

Does acid reflux contribute to sterility? No. But if you have kids, their behaviour can contribute to acid reflux.

What does acid reflux have to do with gallbladder?

The gallbladder is the organ that can help break down acid in your body, if yours is damaged, has stones, or you quite simply dont have one (due to removal) it can increase the risk of acid reflux occuring. to prevent acid reflux avoid the foods that trigger it for you.. for me its mainly fizzy drinks!

What is the medical abbreviation meaning acid reflux?

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is the abbreviation meaning acid reflux.

Can acid reflux disease be transmitted?

No. Acid reflux is not contagious nor is it hereditary.

Can white mint aggravate acid reflux?

Mint can aggravate acid reflux, yes.

Can the duodenum be repaired and is it the cause of acid reflux?

Yes, it can be repaired and no it is not the cause of acid reflux.

Can you get a hernia from acid reflux?

No you can't, but a hernia can be a reason that you are experiencing acid reflux symptoms.

Can you ride a roller coaster with acid reflux?

yes you may ride a roller coaster with acid reflux.