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Yes you can have herpes outbreak while taking flagyl.

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Q: Can you have herpes outbreak while taking flagyl?
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Can you take diflucan if allergic to flagyl?

Flagyl or Metronidazole is not a Penicillin and does not work the same way. So unless you also have an allergy to Flagyl you do not have to worry. This drug is best taken after food or with a fatty meal.

Is flagyl safe to take while pregnant for bv?

It is not recommended to take flagyl during pregnancy.

Can flagyl and ecstasy drug be dangerous?

I wouldn't mix them. I read that Flagyl does react your serotonin levels..... You get serotonin syndrome, then yes you could die.. Best not to mess with drugs that have SSRI effect or effects serotonin while taking MDMA.

Can you use penicillin for herpes infection?

No, penicillin is an 'antibiotic', i.e. active against bacterial caused infections. Herpes is a viralinfection and thus penicillin does not touch it. Viral infections are hard to treat (it is only the body's own defenses that really work), however there are some 'antiviral' medicines that can help.

How long do you need wait to drink alcohol after flagyl?

You should not consume alcohol while you are taking Flagyl or for at least three days after you have completed therapy, since the two can interact to cause serious side effects, including intense nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal cramps, flushing, and a racing heartbeat. In some cases, these side effects may even lead to heart or liver damage.

Why is there a problem drinking wine and vaginal metronidazole?

Metronidazole is the chemical name for Flagyl. Drinking alcohol while on oral Flagyl can cause nausea, rapid heartbeat and vomiting.

Can you get the flu shot while taking Flagyl?

There is no drug interaction problem between the flu vaccine and Flagyl. But whether you get the vaccination while still taking the antibiotic may depend on why you are taking antibiotics. If you have a current infection, it is usually better to wait until that is cleared up before taking vaccines. But, each situation can be different, and this is a question that the doctor who prescribed the antibiotics should be asked to know what is right in your case.Unless there is a specific reason your doctor wants you to wait, usually the only reason not to get a flu shot while taking antibiotics would be if you have an active infection with a high fever over 101 F. Get your flu shot unless you have a high fever, or the doctor recommends delaying the immunization due to your specific condition.

Can you drink taking antibiotics for yeast and bacterial vaginosis?

You should not drink alcohol while taking antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis without checking with your pharmacist first. If you drink alcohol while taking metronidazole (Flagyl) you could experience severe nausea and vomiting. There are no problems with alcohol and yeast medication.

Can a baby be born with herpes?

If you have herpes 3 months prior to getting pregnant, you body has developed antibodies and it is less likely that you would pass it to the fetus. If you get infected while pregnant you could pass it to the fetus. It is important if you have herpes that you let your doctor know. Herpes is typically transferred to the baby during labor through the birth canal. If you have an outbreak during labor they will do a C-Section.

Will drinking alcohol while taking antibiotics cancel out the medicine?

Yes, it can "cancel" out a antibiotic. What I mean by that is, you can have negative (bad) reactions to the drug. The antibiotic may not work in some cases. One example is with the antibiotic Flaggyl (Metronidazole). Drinking even a small amount of alcohol (ethanol) while taking Flagyl can make a person very sick. Flagyl and alcohol together cause severe nausea and vomiting, flushing, fast heartbeat (tachycardia), and shortness of breath. It can make you extremely sick.