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Nope. why do you just want one child though? o_o

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Q: Can you have just a child in a sims 3 household?
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CAn you have more then 1 child in a house at a time on sims 3 ambitions?

yes if you do not already have the maximum amount of sims in that household

Is Bella goth in Sims 3?

Bella will be in Sims 3 but she is a child and her last name is Bachelor so that is the household she lives in and Mortimer is a child so you can help them meet. Sims 3 is the time before Sims 1 and 2 it's very interesting.

What happens if you put an adult a teen and a child in a sims 3 household and the adult dies?

The teen and the child will be taken by the adoption service.

How do you get money quick on Sims 3?

go on edit town and create a range of sims that will fit in the household that you want to be rich, then move them in with the rich household to be and then click on split up household button. Take out the sims you just added and voila you have at least 16,000 simulations!!!

How do you make a child be a paper boy n the sims 3?

When the child is a toddler Type ageuptonpc in the cheat box and when they are a child they will be a npc in the household so they might be a paperboy but you can't select them

Can you name your kids in The Sims 3?

You can name your children in The Sims 3. However, for adopted kids, if the child came from another household, you cannot choose his or her first name, but the last name of that Sim will be the adopter's name.

How many sims can you make on Sims 3 ds?

There are 3 slots to make a sim but you can adopt a pet from the park or be close enogh friends with a sims to allow him\her to move in your household to make a total of at least 4 sims in your household.

How do you make someone live at your house in sims 3?

if you want someone else to live at your sims house in sims 3, go to edit town, and then choose the household and click on the other household you want them to merge with.

How many people can be in a house on sims 3 deluxe?

A household can contain a maximum of 8 sims.

Can you have a baby if you already have 3 teens living with you on Sims 3?

yes you can have up to 8-9 characters on sims 3 in 1 household.

Is there a glitch to get pets without the Sims 3 Pets?

No. You must install The Sims 3 Pets on your computer in order to get pets in your household.

How do you play as your spouse on sims 3?

You can only play the sims that are in your household. If you spouse in the household for the pc you will see his picture on the side of the screen. Click on it and you are now playing that sim. If he or she is not in your household then you would not be able to play as them.