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I'm afraid not, sorry. You may only have one child at a time. :-( Try downloading Sims on your computer. You can have more than one child there! There are also cheats for Sims on computer. If you choose to download Sims on your computer, go on the App Store or Installous (I'm not sure if it is free on the App Store) and type The Sims Cheats and you will see a lot of them. I hope this helps! ~ ČhęàtHēłp

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It will live with you until it leaves home or you neglect it

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Q: Can you have more than one child on sims 3 ambitions?
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How old does your child go up to on Sims 3 ambitions?

Your child will never be older than a toddler.

Can you have more than one baby on sims ambitions for iPhone?

No you can't

Can you have more than one kid in the sims 3 ambitions?


Is Sims 3 better than Sims 3 ambitions?

there both the same but in ambitions you get more and better jobs like firemen and others also you get new and fun stuff.

Can you have more than one kid in the sims 3 ambitions for iPod touch?

No, you can't.

Can you get more than 1 kid on sims 3 ambitions?

Yeah i think so

How do you have more than one kid in sims 3 abominations for the ipod touch?

XD you mean "ambitions?" I like "abominations" better, especially considering what many child sims come out looking like XD

How do you have a second baby on sims 3 ambitions?

i was told ur not able to have more than one baby in the sims 3 ambititions!

Can you have more than one baby on the sims 3 ambitions?

no unfortunatley not...mayb in future versions!!

What is the difference between Sims 3 and Sims 3 ambitious on the iPod?

im pretty sure they are really similar. one of the differences is that you can get a baby in ambitions. if you are trying to decide which one to get, get sims 3 ambitions. i have it on my ipod and it gets better reviews than sims 3. i hope i helped!

Can you put the sims 3 disc in after you put in the ambitions expansion pack?

No, or yes, because you may still use it but if it requires Ambitions than you shall use it, but most likely you would have to use ambitions.

Can you have more than one kid on sims 3 ambitions iPod?

Not that I know of, and I'm pretty sure no one else has had more than one kid. So lets just say it's impossible.