

Can you hear penguins

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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yes you could hear a penguin

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Q: Can you hear penguins
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How do fairy penguins hear?

They do.

How do penguiens hear?

Penguins can hear just like any other animal without ears, Penguins have ear holes.

How do emperor penguins hear?

through the yellow things on the side of there head

What are the Adelie Penguins senses?

Adelie Penguins have senses. They have a few of them.they are touch hear taste and see. \ what a dumb answer to put stupid

What senses does the Emperor penguin have?

Emperor penguins can see, hear, and sense touch. I don't know whether they have a sense of taste or if they can smell.

Can penguins talk?

They use squawks and clicks. They also have a certain song of clicks so other penguins can recognize them. Also, they use their movements to talk to each other.

What kind of hearing does a penguin have?

Penguins have very acute hearing because they need to be able to hear a leopard seal underwater before it attacks them

What is the average lifespan of Galopagos penguins?

Galapagos Penguins have a life span of 15-20 years. Predation, starvation, climatic events, and human disturbance are just a few of the effects on Galapagos Penguins that are responsible for such a short life span. Most of these penguins; in which live in the wild, live 17.5 years. Some don't make it to 15 years, and it is rare to hear them living past 20 years. That is the life span of the Galapagos Penguins, I hope it helped you. (:

Where were the penguins in Mr. Poppper's penguins from?

Mr. Poppers penguins were Gentoo penguins.

How many species of penguins are there in the world?

There are seventeen species of penguins in the world. Some of these include emperor penguins, Galapagos penguins, king penguins and Humboldt penguins.

What are the types of penguins?

there are heaps - adelli penguins, rockhopper penguins, fairy penguins, emperor penguins, just to name a few

What are Giant Penguins?

Giant Penguins are emperor penguins: