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Yes, provided they are wrapped well to protect them from the weather and bugs they will survive the night.

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Q: Can you hide Easter eggs the night before Easter?
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Do Australians hide Easter eggs?

No, they have games about the eggs.

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What does the Easter bunny hide on Easter?

Decorated Easter eggs are hidden for children to find them.

Why do you hide eggs during Easter?

because it is fun

Easter tradition about Holland?

We paint Easter eggs and hide it for the children. Then we have breakfast with a lot of eggs, go to our family and eat cake.

Who helps the Easter bunny?

The Easter bunny is not real, therefore, no one helps them. Parents usually hide the eggs.

What is a sentence with hide?

Parents hide Easter eggs so children can find them. In the sentence, hide means to remove from plain sight from the children.

Why did the Easter egg hide?

Easter eggs are hidden by anyone who wants to do an Easter egg hunt. The idea of hiding eggs came from the Germans in the 1700s who thought that rabbits laid eggs. This belief spread and thus, the egg hunt was born.

How does the Easter bunny hide a chocolate eggs for children to find?

S go to type easter bunny. and go to the wikipedia site :-)

Bunnies and Easter Bunnies are real?

Bunnies are real. Easter Bunnies however aren't real. They're only on TV

What should you do in Easter?

I am so glad that you asked! Easter is such a fun time! What you do is like a day before Easter you fill up plastic eggs with candy, and then over night, your parents hide the eggs. But that's not all! Also on the day before Easter, you can decorate real eggs to! You can get a kit at Walmart, etc. And then you can make them all colorful and decorate them! And then the next day, you go out with your Easter baskets and try to find all of the eggs! What my family usually does is after we find all of the eggs, we make scrambled eggs out of the real ones we decorated! What also helps is after you are done filling the eggs with candy and decorating real ones is to count how many plastic ones you have and how many real ones you have, so then the next day after you guys are all done finding them, you can count them to make sure that there aren't any missing! I hope that my answer helps and I hope that you have a happy Easter!

Why do you hide money and candy in the Easter eggs?

No one actually knows. It's practically for the fun of it. Like what's more awesome then opening an Easter egg you found with candy in it? Or even better.......................... $$$$MONEY$$$$!