

Can you house separate hamster types together?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, syrian hamsters are solitary while dwarf hamsters are not.

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Q: Can you house separate hamster types together?
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Can you house separate hamster types?

yes but always have a rules next to the cage JUST in case they do fight

Do Siberian dwarf hamster's get along with other types of hamster's?

No, you should separate them.

Can you put a black bear hamster with a teddy bear hamster?

They are both types of Syrian hamster, however Syrian are solitary and will fight if another hamster is in their territory. They can get seriously injured so don't have them together.

Do different types of hamster like to live in the same cage?

No teddy hamsters and dwarf hamsters cant stay together

What are some of the types of hamsters?

I can name three hamsters. There is the Russian hamster, the Dwarf hamster, and the Chinese hamster.

How do you get a hamster to breed with a different kind of hamster?

If you try to breed two different types of hamster together, then the chances are that the new babies will have something wrong like missing limbs or no eyes, whiskers etc. Also, the babies could die just after birth or have illnesses that you can't cure.

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You murderer...

What breeds of hamster can be bred with a teddy bear hamster?

With any type of hamster just like dogs can be mixed with different types of dogs

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parrots and other types of house birds can eat cucumber as well as hamsters, i know that because i have two budgies, one parrot and a hamster

Which hamster is less likely to bite...a panda bear hamster or a black bear hamster?

Both types of hamsters are likely to bite....they are both very aggressive types, and harder to deal with. Actually, Panda bear and Black bear are both just color variations on the same type of hamster, the Syrian hamster. They are in no way aggressive or hard to deal with! They are much easier to deal with than any dwarf types.

What are the species of hamsters?

There is lots like, Syrian, Chinese dwarf hamster, Campbells dwarf hamster, Robo dwarf hamster, Russian hamster. My favorite, is the blueberry campbells dwarf hamster and the Syrian hamster. They are the sweetest and easy to hold. NOT THE ROBO"S!!!

What is the difference between a robo hamster and a hamster?

No difference- a robo hamster IS a hamster!