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Yes, but it would sort of be pointless. If you were not overweight, then you would have no need to lose weight in the first place.

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Q: Can you join a weight loss program if you are not overweight?
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What is the best weight loss program for someone that is 100 pounds over weight?

For someone that much overweight, it may be a good idea to consider gastric bypass surgery. This will be a good option for someone who is that much overweight.

Can you lose weight every time you poop?

Yes you do lose weight, but you just gain the weight back. If you are looking to lose weight talk to your doctor before! Or try laxatives.

What is a good fitness plan for overweight people?

P90x is an extreme workout program that will, as long as you follow it, allow you to lose large amounts of weight. Weight Watchers is a great diet program that can also help you immensely with your weight loss.

What should I look for in a weight lose program?

The program should be safe. If you can not tell whether the program is safe or not, you probably should not try it. The program should be geared toward slow and steady weight loss. If it is not, do not join.

Where can you go to lose weight?

The Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight loss & lifestyle program that was designed by the experts at the Mayo Clinic. The purpose is to help you lose weight by teaching healthy eating and habits to develop and healthy lifestyle

i am looking for a adolescent weight loss program for an overweight teen nothing overnight or camp?

There are good tips here and sign up for program here 866.364.0808

What kind of one-on-one help can I get for weight loss online?

To get one on one help for weight loss a person has to join one of the many companies that have an online support system. This can be Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem or Weight Watchers. When you join you can designate how you want to be work the program and they will comply.

What is an an effective weight loss program?

Weightwatchers has an online program you can join that doesn't require weigh-ins at a location. Also and are good avenues for successful weight loss programs where you eat your normal food and do not have to go to weigh-in.

Are weight loss physicians concerned about my health as well as my weight?

Patients who said their doctor talked to them about their weight were more likely to report clinically significant weight loss, according to our findings. Overweight and obese people who have been told they are overweight by their doctor are nearly twice as likely to report a 5% weight loss in the previous year - a weight loss amount that has been shown to significantly improve the comorbidities associated with being overweight or obese. Furthermore, overweight and obese people are more than twice as likely to report a 10% weight decrease in the previous year. Previous research has found a link between physicians' discussions of overweight and obese weight status and patients' views of their own weight and desire to reduce weight

What is medical weight loss used for?

Some surgical procedures require the patient to not be overweight. Being overweight can cause multiple complications that increase the risk in surgery. Medical weight loss eliminates that risk.

Does the LA weight loss program work?

With the LA weight loss program, you will probably lose a small amount of weight.

Does hyperthyroidism make you gain or lose weight?

Hyperthyroidism makes you loose weight and there is a red flag for you that loosing weight means your body functions and chemical reactions have increased their pace which is good when we are exercising but in this case they work to fight against the disease and weight loss is just the byproduct. If you want some insight in how to loose weight quickly go check out my profile perhaps it may help you !