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No you can not because tap water has chorine that makes fish die

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Q: Can you just put the saltwster fish in tap water with salt?
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How salt water fish drink salt water?

fish dont drink salt water they just feel it

How do salt water fish breathe in salt water?

Because they are magic and just have skills they breate exactly the same as fresh water fish it is just that some pressure thing is diff

Is salt water fish acceptable for a salt free diet?

just to be safe ........ no

Is haddock a fresh water or salt water fish?

It is a marine fish found in the atlantic ocean.

Why some fish live in salt water?

Some fish live in salt water because they just do. Some fish live in water because they were put in water. If you get a fish at home you can put it in salt or water. It also depends on there skin because the fish can have very sensitive skin and can only touch a certain kind of water

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the salt water hatchet fish live in salt water!!!

Is it better for fish to have more salt in their water?

Only salt water fish. But if you have a pet salt water fish then it is better to use sea salt and research on how much sea salt to use.

What is the water common salt water fish?

the most common salt water fish is sardines

What water balance problem to salt ocean fish face?

Lets See If This Answers Your Question... Fresh Water Fish have A Liver That Can Process All Kinds of Stuff From Fresh Water. Wether It Be Dirty Water, Clean Water, or Sometimes Even Slightily Toxic Water... But The Transition To Fresh To Salt Lies In The Very Word Itself, SALT WATER... The Liver of A Normal Fresh Water Fish Can Only Handle Bits of Amount of Salt, But The Water In The Ocean Is So Strong That The Liver of A Fresh Water Fish Just Over Loads and Shuts Down Killing The Fish... Thats Why Salt Water Fish Have Evolved Their Livers To With Stand Lethal Amounts of Salt In The Water... The Same With Salt Water Fish, They Can Not Process Fresh Water Because their Livers Are Only Made To Process Salt Not Fresh... Some Fish Actually Can Do Both Like The BULL SHARK, Salman, (not a fish) Salt Water Crocidile...

What water do goldfish go in?

It depends on the fish. If its a tropical fish that is accustomed to salt water, you need salt water and you need to keep the water at a warmer than norm temperature. If its just a regular goldfish, freshwater at room temp should do just fine.

Do flashlight fish live in salt water or fresh water?

Flashlight fish is lived in salt water.

Do Tang fish need salt water in there tanks?

I'm pretty sure a Tang is a salt water fish but if you have a fresh water (regular) fishtank, I'm not sure just adding salt will do it. I believe you have to have a salt water setup... check with a pet store that sells Tangs in your area.