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Lorikeets and budgies are usually fine together. If either bird shows signs of jealousy, the two should be separated immediately.

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Q: Can you keep a lorikeet with a budgie?
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Why did your budgie kill your other budgie?

if you have a budgie for quite awhile and then get another budgie your original budgie will get territorial and attack the newer bird. If this is the case you need to get to cages and slowly show the new budgie to the older budgie. keep doing it again and again until eventually you should be able to keep the two birds in one cage.

Which is a mammal lorax lorikeet or loris?

The loris (a primate related to the lemur) is mammal. The lorikeet is not a mammal. It is a bird, a type of parrot, as is the parakeet (budgie). The Lorax is not an animal. It is a character created by Dr. Seuss. * There is a mammal with a similar name, called the hyrax, which looks like a large rodent but is more closely related to the elephant and the manatee.

Out of 340 species of parrots do all of them bear the word ''parrot'' in their names?

No. Some species of parrots without the word parrot in their name would be cockatiel, budgie, lorikeet, rosella, cockatoo, galah, conure, African lovebird and kakapo.

How can your budgies foot be so damaged when a cat attacked my budgie outside of the cage?

well you just said the answer: the cat attacked your budgie. Advice: KEEP CATS AWAY FROM YOUR BUDGIE! POOR BUDGIE MUST"VE BEEN SCARED TO DEATH!

What kind of a quite parrot will get along with a LoriKeet?

rianbow lorikeet

When was Stephen's Lorikeet created?

Stephen's Lorikeet was created in 1908.

When was Blue Lorikeet created?

Blue Lorikeet was created in 1776.

When was Kuhl's Lorikeet created?

Kuhl's Lorikeet was created in 1824.

Will your budgie remain hand tame if you add another to the cage?

Your Budgie should still remain hand tame , with another bird in the cage , if you keep up the handling.

How do you save up for a budgie and a budgie cage etc?

You should make a budgie budget! Complete with monthly goals that motivate you to save little by little until you can buy beautiful, boisterous budgies! Also, keep an eye on online classifieds- sometimes you can find owners who want to find a home for their budgie for free!

Why does your girl budgie attack your new boy budgie and not your old girl budgie?

The girl budgie would attack the new boy budgie and not the old girl budgie because she is used to the other girl budgie and is not familiar to the new boy budgie.

Would a mustache parakeet keep talking if a budgie parakeet is in a separate cage?

not if there freinds