

Can you keep carp as a pet?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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14y ago

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Many people keep (and breed) carp.

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Q: Can you keep carp as a pet?
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What animal is a type of carp that is commonly kept as a pet?

Goldfish, or Koi.

Is a carp fish a good pet?

Yes they are, koi carp are gentle animals and love human affection they like to live in big groups with a large carp leader and love being hand fead and scratched lightley on the noeses and head! x

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Yes, until they outgrow them. Then put them into an outdoor pond.

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goldfish,neon tetras(school group only),sword tails,angelfish,pond smelt,carp,crucian carp,mainly small fish or even fish that arent in sea water

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any pet to keep is a huge responsibility but if you want your first pet u should get a fish

Take out 6 letters from escarpment to mak a fish?

Carp the answer is CARP