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Q: Can you keep having cramps every 30 to 45 minutes while pregnant?
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My girl has been trying to get pregnant but she was on birth control so she stopped and then she started having cramps and bleeding every other week Is it possible that she was pregnant?

ask a doctor ;]

When you were due for your period had cramps and light pink discharge im 15 days late a still get cramps sometimes can you be pregnant?

Slightly you can possibly be pregnant,but just try and stretch in the morn'in as much as you can every where!

Frequent urination gas and mild cramps 4 day late period pregnant?

I am experiencing the exact same thing! I am 2 days late for my period now, having mild cramps every now and then, having to go the washroom frequently I usually dont feel the need to go that often, also quite gassy and hungry.

I AM 30 weeks PREGNANT and every time you stand up to walk you feel a lot of pressure down below and im having a lot of dischaarge along with strong cramps should you be concerned?


If you have brown discharge every time a week before your period and this time you period is late with tingling niples breast so sore you don't want to touc them but still have cramps could you be pre?

If you are still having a period, you are not pregnant.

If you are pregnant will you still get cramps around the time your period is due?

Sore breasts and cramps are both common in the early stages of pregnancy, so if you are in doubt, get a pregnancy test, it's the only way to know for sure, and it's not reliable until you are at least two weeks late for your period. I am about 6 weeks pregnant for the first time, and I'm a nurse. It is normal to have sore breasts and many times this will last for the first trimester and sometimes longer as your hormones are changing, also having cramps monthly can be normal too, because your body is use to having periods monthly, so my doctor says that you might have those feelings of cramps every month, just not the bleeding.

Is charlie brooks pregnant?

I know that Charlie Brook is not pregnant. Because if you know someone who is pregnant they do not cry like every two minutes .

You have cramps and feel like im on your period but you have no bleeding?

wait a couple days and if you still have no bleeding take a pregnancy test. when i was pregnant i could feel slight cramps every month when i normally would have had my period

Im not having cramps or anything but you keep having to go to the bathroom and you took a laxative that prevents going to the bathroom so much why do you go every 5 minutes?

Listen hun, there is a very easy explanation for this. It is because you need to take two tablets of laxaxtives at a time. Or else you wont get any results on your (fill in the blank.)

Having abdominal pain while pregnant safe?

Sometimes, but it depends on the cause. When I was pregnant, I would have mild cramps every month around the time I would have normally had my period, had I not been pregnant. But if your abdominal pain is severe, or persists, you need to call your doctor ASAP; it's not worth the risk to not call. Actually, I suggest you call anyway, just to rule out any problems with the pregnancy, the baby or yourself.

You have your heavy period every month but you think you might be pregnant?

If your having a heavy period its very slim that you are pregnant. But if you had sex while you are pregnant you can actually get pregnant while having intercourse on your period. What exactly make you feel you are pregnant? and if you were pregnant before this period you need to see a doctor A.S.A.P. Something is going on in there.

How do you deal with cramps?

I am 48 years old and so sick of having my period and cramps, i get cramps in low back and low stomach what i find that really helps alot is advil every 4 hours whether you need it or not if you take it for 2 days (the two worse days are the day before and the 2nd day for me) so i take 2 tablets every four hours and it really helps alot.