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It is not something I would be comfortable with. But if it's an emergency it may work if: He has plenty of pasture where he can graze. If he has a water supply that can refill itself like a tank with an autofill. If you have someone you trust that can check up on him and feed him and make sure he is ok. If your fences are very safe and built for horses. I would never leave my horse in a barbed wire fence. It's a vet bill waiting to happen. If you can manage all of the above, you may be able to leave for a couple of days.

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Q: Can you leave your horse alone for a few days?
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Could you house a cockerel with old hens?

Yes It would not usually be a problem. The young rooster will "bother" the old girls a little at first but soon learn to leave them alone. It only takes a few days for them to form a group and the rooster will keep them safe.

Do 16 year olds have to have a special license to drive a horse trailer alone?

Yes, after the few required months (they can't have other people in the car with them for ___ months after receiving liscence) then a 16 year old can pull a horse trailer anywhere in the U.S. without a special liscence.

Do ghost ants bite?

Yes, the ones we have in Hawaii do bite. Their bites sting and then they leave welts for a few days.

Can a horse get upset when separated for its herd?

Horses become very agitated and nervous when separated from their herd. As naturally grouping creatures, and prey animals at that, horses know they are in far more danger alone than with a group.

Can hamsters stay alone for a weekend?

Yes, you can leave a hamster alone for a weekend. I have left my hamster alone for up to a week. Obviously, you can't just leave them as is, you need to make sure they have enough food and water for the amount of time you are gone. You should do these things before you leave: * Make sure the hamster(s) cage is clean before you leave. * You should know how much water your hamster drinks in a few days, so leave him at least that much water. I recommend completely filling the bottle up with clean water on the day you leave even if he will not drink that much in the time you're gone. * Make sure to fill his food bowl up. Make sure he has enough food for however long you are gone. If you will be gone longer and think he won't have enough food, buy a hamster food log. They are inexpensive, provide more food for extended stays, and my hamster loves them. * Make sure his cage is out of direct sunlight while you're gone. If you do all of that, he should be fine!

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heyy um it is basically telling you to leave him alone for a few days because something has obviously happened and he doesn't really want to tell you so just leave it for a few days and see how it goes best of luck You should ask him how much time he wants to be alone.

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I think 16 is the age you can leave your child home alone depending on how long you are gone for if it is a few days then 16 or 18 for definite.

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yes,beacuase it might run away or someone might take it away

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you should leave it alone for a few days because it needs to get used to its new enviorment

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Oh , no. You have just given that person leave for a few days , you haven't fired that person. So , you don't have to hire a person back who took leave for a few days.

How can i get my goldfishes to reproduce?

=you can leave them in a tank on their own for a few days=

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Yes you can. Just make sure the water bowl and food are sufficient for a few days and they will be fine...hermit crab can go without food for 1 week and water for 2 days.

Where do you put a horse if you can't connect to Howrse for a few days?

put it in the box

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I think, if they're not alone for more than a few minutes.

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Of course. Just leave it outside for a few days.

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If he's your "ex" leave him alone. It's over. Move on with your life and let him do the same.

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