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Where Jesus appeared after the resurrection depends on which gospel we rely on for information:

Mark's Gospel

Starting with Mark's Gospel, as this was the first New Testament gospel to be written, the earliest manuscripts end at verse 16:8, with the young man saying that Jesus is risen, and the women fleeing in terror, telling no one. Jesus did not appear on earth after his death and resurrection.

The "Long Ending" (verses 16:9-25) was added much later to provide three resurrection appearances that harmonise as far as possible with the other gospels.

  1. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, although we are not told where. This is somewhat consistent with John's Gospel, where Jesus appeared to Mary at the tomb.
  2. Jesus then appeared to the two as they walked. This harmonises with both Matthew and Luke: if the two were women, with Matthew: if they were men, with Luke).
  3. Finally Jesus appeared to the eleven apostles together at a meal.

Matthew's Gospel

  1. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, on the road as they returned from the tomb.
  2. Later, the disciples saw the risen Jesus in a mountain in Galilee.

Luke's Gospel

  1. Jesus appeared to the two men on the road to Emmaeus,
  2. Then to the eleven apostles together in an upper room. They then went out to Bethany, where Jesus ascended to heaven on the evening of his resurrection.

John's Gospel

In this account, four appearances.

  1. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene in the garden at the tomb.
  2. Jesus then to ten of the apostles together in an upper room,
  3. A few days later, he appeared to all eleven in the same room.
  4. He finally appeared to the disciples at the Sea of Galilee.

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Mark Mark's Gospel was the first canonical gospel, written approximately 70 CE. The earliest known manuscripts of Mark do not even have a resurrection narrative, beyond the young man telling the women that Jesus had risen. The "Long Ending", added by later interpolators, adds resurrection appearance to bring this gospel more or less into line with the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. first of all, he appeared to two as they walked along the road - these could be either the two women of Matthew or the two men of Luke. He then appeared to the disciples while they ate.

Matthew In Matthew's Gospel the women, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, saw Jesus later while on the way to tell the disciples of their experience. Finally, the eleven disciples went to a mountain in Galilee and saw Jesus.

Luke In Luke's Gospel, Jesus appeared to two men, Cleopas and (presumably) Peter, but they did not recognise him, even after conversing with him, inviting him home, and eating dinner with him. They only assumed that he was Jesus based on his words and behaviour, but then he vanished out of their sight. At his next appearance, Jesus went to some lengths to assure them that he really was Jesus, showing the disciples his wounds, and finally being drawn up into heaven. All this happened in and near Jerusalem, not in Galilee.

John In John's Gospel, Mary Magdalene saw Jesus standing and knew not that it was Jesus, supposing that he was the gardener. The next two appearances, in a room in Jerusalem, are quite similar to a single appearance in Luke's Gospel except, as Elaine Pagels points out in Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas (2003), the two accounts seems intended to disadvantage the disciple Thomas, by causing him to miss the blessing of the Holy Spirit and then appear to doubt that it was Jesus that he saw [Pagels identifies a thread of anti-Thomas narrative in John's Gospel.]. Finally, Jesus appeared to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberius but, although 'the disciple whom Jesus loved' quickly identified him, none of them dared to ask who he was, presumably meaning that his identity was still not obvious to them all.

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