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With the exception of some coastal regions, all of the continent of Antarctica is a desert.

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Q: Can you list two desert areas in Antarctica?
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What is the driest latitudinal zone in the world?

The two driest areas in the world are Antarctica and the Atacama Desert.

Where are the most deserts in the world?

There are more than two dozen major desert areas in the world and numerous smaller desert areas. For a list of the major deserts and their locations, click on this link.

What are two main areas of Antarctica?

You may be thinking of East Antarctica and West Antarctica.

What two continents are mostly desert?

Antarctica and Australia.

Why do scientists call Antarctica a polar desert?

Because it at the south pole and its a desert.

What is the driest most lifeless place on earth?

There are two: Antarctica and the Atacama Desert.

What countries have the biome of the desert?

Countries with desert biomes include the United States (Southwest), Saudi Arabia, Australia, and Egypt (Sahara Desert). These areas have dry, arid climates with low precipitation and sparse vegetation.

Which two continents have no deserts?

All seven continents have deserts. Even Europe has a small patch of semi-arid desert in Spain - the Las Tabernas Desert.What two continents don't have desserts or deserts ? I assume the question pertain to the ecological rather than the gastronomic. In any case, there are no continents without deserts. Antarctica would be classified as a desert due , as with all deserts, to the amount of precipitation it receives on a yearly basis. Asia, Africa, the Americas, Oceania..did I miss any here ? Technically, I suppose you could say that Europe is a continent although really, it isn't in any way separate from Asia. Even if one does want to count it as a continent in its own right, there are still areas that would be classified as desert such as parts of Spain and of course, the high Arctic.

What are the driest deserts?

Two areas claim the title of Driest Desert. Some experts call the Atacama Desert in northern Chile the driest desert in the world. In many areas of the desert there is almost no rainfall ever. However, other experts call Antarctica the driest desert in the world. There are areas there that have not received any rain or snow for millions of years!

What are the different kinds of deserts?

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of deserts:Cold Deserts - such as Antarctica, the Gobi Desert, the Great Basin Desert.Hot Deserts - such as the Sahara, the Thar Desert, the Mojave Desert.Generally speaking, there are two kinds of deserts:Cold Deserts - such as Antarctica, the Gobi Desert, the Great Basin Desert.Hot Deserts - such as the Sahara, the Thar Desert, the Mojave Desert.

Which 2 continents are mostly desert?

Of the seven continents the only two close to being "mostly desert", with the definition of desert as an area of limited rainfall and, hence, little vegetation, are Australasia and Antarctica.

Which desert is a bigger than the continent of Australia?

The Sahara Desert in Africa and the Arabian Desert in the Arabian Peninsula are the world's two largest hot deserts (Antarctica is the largest desert, but not a hot desert).The Great Victoria Desert in Australia is larger than the Great Sandy Desert.The Sahara and the Arabian Deserts